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Sgt Hulk

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Posts posted by Sgt Hulk

  1. 1 hour ago, Hamttx said:

    I just hope this doesn’t turn into another bizarro game where some fucked up goofy shit haunts us. I swear, the last couple of years have been rough on me. Simply bad luck, no other words for it.

    On paper we are +20 better team and the game should be over by the half. But let a couple of those what the fuck plays and they are within striking distance in the 4th quarter. And I have to snort a dozen Xanax to keep my shit together.

    Pass that shit over here. You know for science and just in case 

  2. 35 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Alright, it's a 9am game time on the West Coast... what does Surly recommend for a get-up-and-go kind of morning?

    Was thinking Irish coffee/mimosas and a nice brunch spread but I know there'll be better ideas.

    Here in LA there’s a Tex ex watch party I’m heading to

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  3. Lol I ain’t even mad. Like Texas I’ve become numb and accustomed and actually expect to lose. When we pull the random W I’m shocked as shit. It’s just like marriage. I’ve accepted the fact I’ll never get a blow job again and sex will be mediocre at best. But those random times the wife is drunk and does something other than lay there it’s like wow holy fuck. That’s what watching dallas is like for me 

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    • Haha 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Not a Sock said:

    I am going to make a bold prediction that even if aggy gets humiliated this season their class stays together and we dont flip anyone and if we do manage to flip somebody it's going to be Wright.

    I get the same feeling only because if any kid is truly sold on picking a perennial doormat never wasbeen college station sheep fucking bottom tier school over literally anyolace else with drinkable water you have to assume nothing st all is going to flip them not even the death penality. Plus like others have said.  Leslie Neilson nothing to see here everyone go home gif 

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