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Sgt Hulk

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Sgt Hulk last won the day on January 1

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    Middle East

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  1. Jesus fucking Christ burn the whole program down.
  2. I’m reminded how much I miss lamb shawarma down by the souks in Doha Qatar
  3. If they just run a deep post that guys open every time with no safety help
  4. I love 10 more scholarships. 30 wide receivers on the team. The ones left over that Oregon didn’t want
  5. I’ve housed 2 opening kicks. But I als average about 4 picks a game
  6. On ncaa 25. I had zero Dts in one class so I just send the house on a couple of one stars. Got em I assume that’s what we are gonna do
  7. And then you gave him directions to the stadium?
  8. Seeing how surly does this annually with aggy. Florida is prob winning 9-10 games
  9. Yeah play action is fucked. I haven’t played as or against Texas yet. But my son calls me and says. Who the hell is this Trey Moore. He’s abusing the shit out of me and I cannot do anything. Texas is smoking me 45-15 let’s hope and pray
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