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Sgt Hulk

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Posts posted by Sgt Hulk

  1. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    So you think it's acceptable to have white seating and black seating?  White drinking fountains and black drinking fountains?  White schools and black schools?  No government intervention was necessary, and moreover, that intervention was wrong?

    SO what you are saying is religious beliefs are the same as skin color?   You have no way to debate so you toss some oranges in with the apples.   


    Youre view isnt gonna change and neither is mine,  but your last comparison is so far left field that even debating anymore is a waste.  you may as well now call me a bible thumbing alt right trump guy next.  

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  2. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    It doesn't matter if she has the free will to do so.  The idea that "there will be another shop willing to accommodate you right down the road" is dangerous and in many cases not eventrue.  It also disallows her from making HER choice.

    While this may not be a perfect example of "tyranny of the majority", the underlying concept is the same.  Our country is about protecting the little guy, not the big guy, despite what modern politics might have you believe.

    So you think its acceptable to force a business that has no interest in you the customer to accommodate you,.  You are fine with providing said business your hard earned money that you work for knowing they dislike you or have beliefs against you?  Instead of allowing the market to put them out of business you would rather keep their lights on with your money?  IF they want to site religious beliefs and they are free to do so thank god, (see what i did there)  then allow their beliefs to lose on sales and money its a free market.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    The shaggy/surly old timer who posted RIGHT before you is literally affected by this type of policy.  The jokes write themselves.

    Is she?  does she not have the free will to go to the billions of other shops in this country  is is that the only cake baker that can make it on earth? 

    Simply give your hard earned cash to a business that deserves it, and let the others reap the fruits of their labor or lack there of.  its simple 

  4. came here to see melt downs from people literally not affected  came away satisfied.


    Theres a business up the road i cant stand, the owners are assholes and so is their staff.  Luckily I am free to not give them my money or patronage, I go elsewhere.   Its that simple.  I dont understand what is so hard about this other than the usual HAYYYYYYYYY look at me pay attention to me I want attention  cry baby bullshit todays society is predicated upon.  It used to be force them to go out of business by not shopping there, now its sue them and force them to take your money lol 


    also blame trump i guess 

  5. 59 minutes ago, J.R. Juniors Junior Jr. said:

    I was at DKR for that.  About as brutal as it gets.  It was confusing figuring out exactly what was rolling around from my NEZ seats.

    This   I too was there that night for the revenge 

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