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Everything posted by Bodowned

  1. I have been super impressed with Quinn in large part. There’s a lot more zip on his passes than we saw post-Alabama and he’s generally been hitting guys in stride. It’s unfortunate X and the defense decide to sit this one out.
  2. Just attack Jamison’s side of the field. No fire with that guy whatsoever.
  3. Sure sounds like Caicedo might be a target in January… Although Gakpo was so tight-lipped by the club that I’m convinced we have no idea who we’re actually in for until the day of!
  4. I’m curious whether this is any indicator that we may let Bobby walk. Gakpo really feels like a true CF (although much taller!) akin to how Bobby played for Hoffenheim + LFC in his prime. If he comes back on a trim deal for his twilight years, we would seemingly have an embarrassment of riches at forward. Now we just need 2+ midfielders between the January and July transfer windows…
  5. It’s official. What an insane out-of-the-blue transfer.
  6. Big W in the fight for UCL football next season with Tottenham drawing today…
  7. hahahaha, this guy literally could not hit the broad side of a barn.
  8. The Jesus buzz has cooled since the first two months (rightfully so) because of his cold spell. The Salah comparison is not apples-to-apples; Salah has played 1232 minutes in the EPL this season to Darwin’s 610. He’s played over twice as many minutes and most of his shots / touches come from much tougher positions due to his proximity to the touchline. Darwin is getting in great positions, but to pretend that he’s lived up to his transfer bill thus far would be disingenuous because positioning =/= goals. We’ll see how the second half unfolds and if he can get into consistent form.
  9. He has 14 big chances missed for Liverpool in all competitions and he’s only started 11 matches. Just because he scores goals amidst large periods of wastefulness does not relieve him of the title of bad finisher. He’s young, and I’m optimistic he improves. But he’s the opposite of clinical right now and his price tag + the current status of the club and its personnel means we can’t afford him doing what he did today and expect to win.
  10. Never seen a worse finisher than Nunez in my entire life. If this is how he looks throughout his tenure, this will have been a disaster.
  11. Darwin really wears me the fuck out. Every shot he takes is a 50/50 shot at glory or disaster.
  12. That was fantastic final third play right there. Super sexy casual finish by Fabio.
  13. Agreed, but it might be the only trophy we play for this season for all we know so I feel like we should go for it if we can.
  14. Shocked that we’d look poor with Milner at RB, Gomez at CB, and this midfield selection vs. a good City lineup. /s
  15. Lautaro Martinez is the worst striker I’ve ever seen in my life.
  16. Lautaro will not see Heaven after this World Cup. He makes Higuaín look like fat Ronaldo.
  17. That Di Maria sub… I know he wasn’t 100% fit, but it’s his last match in an Argentina shirt and his club career is essentially cooked. He was still running with his hair on fire and your biggest offensive threat outside of Messi. Very questionable sub that maybe titled the balance here.
  18. Di Maria is playing like it’s 2012; this man must have sold his soul to Satan for one last performance to get Messi a WC.
  19. It’s crazy how much Southgate must hate Trent to not put him on the pitch when you’re chasing the game like this…
  20. That was the worst chip I’ve ever seen. The keeper was so far out with no defenders in the area; that’s an easy goal if he gets ANY loft & power on it.
  21. I know they’ve been handing out extra time like candy in this tournament, but did I miss some crazy time wasting or injuries to justify 8 minutes?
  22. The aerial views of the block against Spain are insane. It’s like Mourinho vs. Barcelona in ‘09 with Inter.
  23. somehow they’ve managed to avoid a yellow for simulation so it’s at least proficiency…maybe mastery only occurs once an undeserved penalty is given.
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