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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. If the witness is to be believed and the boys were talking hate speech, is that provocation? Appears at least two witnesses heard them talking shit since apparently someone told them to stop.

    I just don't think there is any grey area here. If you say someone and their race should be eradicated you probably deserve whatever is coming to you.

    Either way I doubt it was just a hat that started all of this

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  2. It really does make me wonder how deep this goes. Why aren't more republican congressmen coming out and condemning this (and the trip several members of Congress took to Russia, on the 4th of fucking July)? How many are in the pocket of Putin?

  3. 1 minute ago, txhorns said:

    I think both parties have gone bats hit crazy towards their own extremes.  I voted for Trump because Hilary scared me and I figured that no one would play ball with Trump so he really wouldn't do much harm,  basically wasting 4 years.  The idea of having a split government is great at this point as neither side has it's shit together.  Anyone telling you otherwise is full of shit.  I haven't really looked at everything yet in regards to the upcoming election though.  I prefer to have a split government after both the 2018 and 2020 elections.

    Nope. Time to fuck shit up. Get the olds out of government and hand it over the next generation. If that means D control for a while, so be it. The R's have already proven they don't deserve to rule.

  4. Sorry, but I don't get where anyone thinks that criticizing an 80+ year old man for retiring is a fair criticism.  Scalia would have loved to have been able to retire when he was 80.  There are a hell of a lot of men in graveyards across the country that never had the choice presented to them at that age.  Stop being douches with the "how dare you have the nerve to decide to enjoy the rest of whatever life you have remaining after serving the country for practically your entire adult life" attitude.  
    You haven't been watching the news, have you?
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