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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Made gumbo for the first time last week. Not bad for a first attempt. I used Paul Prudhomme’s recipe as a guide to get the ratios of roux to stock, etc. right. I used a red bell pepper because the green peppers at Kroger were scrawny and unappealing. I bought a rotisserie chicken and picked the meat off then made stock with the bones. I kind of rushed the stock and I think if I take more time making the stock next time then I’ll have a better product. It was pretty good but I was hoping it would be better. But it did get better over the next few days.

    I wanted to play it safe with the roux and not get it too dark and risk burning it. I also didn’t want to risk pausing to take pictures while it was developing. Here’s the roux after adding the trinity:


    And here’s the finished product:


    Next time I’ll do better but it was good to get the first one under my belt. Might have to start by smoking a whole chicken on my new WSM next time. 

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  2. This is from 11 years ago. How many of these kids are serving in the IDF right now and fulfilling their lifelong dream of killing Arabs?


  3. 2 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    If they can dox them, shouldn’t they have done so during the trial instead of after the verdict?

    They didn’t know they hated the jurors until they voted guilty. Wouldn’t want to risk giving them a reason to switch a not guilty vote to guilty by doxxing them early. 

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  4. 11 hours ago, Satchel said:

    Have we ever seen the programming  of Americans on this scale by one man ever before in our history? Even the number of people who are made uncomfortable by felon Trump’s manifold wickedness, they say and do nothing. I suspect that was very much the case in 30’s Germany as well. People with Ivy League pedigrees died in fidelity to a crazy man in Waco. The scale and scope of mental illness in this country is being reflected in our politics and it’s more than worrisome.

    Father Coughlin in the 30’s?

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  5. On 5/30/2024 at 2:50 PM, qwertyu1234 said:

    I'm a huge Kubrick fan but have resisted watching 2001: A Space Oddity for a long time because it's long and I'm not a sci-fi person. It took me weeks to get through the whole thing, I guess I'm too stupid to get it but it's not for me.

    Try watching it on acid. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Do we know if Trump tried to sell off any spots in Arlington to people who didn’t qualify?

    I don’t know but I’d guess not since Trump considers the men and women buried there to be suckers and losers. He doesn’t see it as a valuable commodity. 

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Wally Fairway said:

    How much would it cost to buy a billboard near the republican convention? 

    I'm thinking a photo of Trump and s group of his high profile idiot followers. Captioned with "Play stupid games, with stupid prizes"

    Not sure they would get it

    Not as written, no. Probably not.  :)

  8. 3 hours ago, Dnaguy said:

    Watching this is interesting.

    As crazy as he seemed AT the time, this comes across measured and with some ring of truth.

    I mean, it’s weird to say, but I can see more and more why people voted for him the first time and just how flawed a candidate Hillary was and how the media + Comey propagated / enhanced the flaws

    That being said, I have no empathy or understanding on those who support him now. He’s a shell of the 2016 candidate, yet the full on leader of a cult that’s overtaken the GOP. I give no quarters to the current Trump supporter. 

    Baseless Republican accusations and decades of character assassination didn’t make Hillary a flawed candidate. 

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