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Everything posted by Ldogg53

  1. DK gave up 2 runs. He didn’t fuck us.
  2. Just reporting what I see from section 325.
  3. Stadium is already starting to empty out.
  4. We lose this series because we’ve given up 7-8-8(+?) runs in the last 3 games. Doesn’t matter who we play we don’t win doing that. Unless we basically shut them down to 2 runs per for the next 3 this one is done. And frankly all season long this team just hasn’t felt like it had “it” like it did last year. They look defeated. They don’t look confident.
  5. Almost go time gents! Fucking getting hyped!!
  6. This. As did the last game. There was just some feel about it.
  7. It was always likely going to be that way. No way were we going to win 3 straight here against them.
  8. I hope so. Don’t have a good feeling today though. Ugh.
  9. This whole game has just seemed “off” for us.
  10. Seems like not much energy tonight. Hope we can flip that switch here.
  11. Pitching and defense. Not so hot tonight.
  12. Yeah he can’t come back out next inning.
  13. Tuve is trying to do too much. Just chill and stay within yourself. Nice half inning. Back to even and hopefully Cole has the jitters all worked out.
  14. I like that we are making Price throw a lot. Get to that bullpen and fuck their world up.
  15. Yeah but let’s see how the ump calls Price.
  16. You may be right. And I hope you are. But shit this is a terrible start for Cole.
  17. Yeah everyone is different, but my senior year of HS my back was shot during football season. I used to get heat treatments before practice and games and then the ice tub after. During classes sometimes I’d have to get up from my desk and stand in the back of class because it hurt to sit. I’d eat a good 8 or so Advil throughout the day. Doctor had me doing some stretching exercises every night and morning. The shit can really be hard to handle as everything you do involves your lower back. It’s been clear that he didn’t come back healthy. He’s still a positive defensively, but man I don’t expect anything from him at the plate. He isn’t magically going to break out of a slump when it’s due to physical pain. Even the HR the other day even looked fairly weak as he hit it to RF. I can’t recall him pulling a ball since coming back.
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