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Posts posted by Ldogg53

  1. Not to harp on it because it's Tulsa but that's one of the worst non-TD calls I've seen.  Watch the replay.  It's not even remotely close.  You have 2 officials goal line and they blew that shit.  Get back to fucking Pop Warner.  But yeah, someone upstairs should have told Mensa the same so he would challenge

    B12 refs gonna do B12 ref things man.
  2. He's a wide RECEIVER not a wide blocker.

    And yet an OT doesn’t actually tackle, they block. So fuck off with your stupid response.

    If it’s a run play a WR blocks. If it’s a pass and it doesn’t go to you then you block. So in reality, a majority of the time a fucking WR should be blocking.
  3. There is no gameplan, no offensive vision, no plays working off of other plays, no cohesiveness. Its just a mess that has no rhyme or reason. 

    Exactly like last year. Quarter to quarter and series to series. It was a bunch of random ass shit and stupid personnel decisions with no rhyme or reason.
  4. This fucking dude is dumb as shit. I had calmed down a little about the loss and then seeing that shit has me all ragey again.

    How the fuck is it we’re going on so many years with such low football IQ?!?!

  5. All of our running plays seem to develop at a snail's pace. I can't remember the last time we had a running back hit a hole at full speed.

    It’s by design. Why they want to do that I still don’t understand, but they feel there is a reason. For me it fails miserably as it isn’t designed for the OL to get push. It’s like a halfass draw where you sort of pass pro but then they try to go upfield. And all it truly accomplishes is allowing the LBs to fill the gaps well before our RB can get there.

    It’s shitty.

    I guess maybe the WR screen they showed there is to freeze the LBs and have them look to the sideline. However, no one even remotely sold that as a fake so what’s the point? If it’s not believable it’s just counter productive. Which is the story of our whole offense.
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