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Posts posted by Ldogg53

  1. Yeah I don’t totally get the gamer community thing but got a little insight not long ago.

    There is a gamer bar in Houston that we went into and they were having some special game watching event. It was interesting. About 40-50 people gathered around drinking beer and watching a live stream of other people playing a game. It was some team based game. Daryl Morey from the Rockets comes in as the special guest near the end and does a Q&A. One thing he noted in his introduction was that the game they just watched had a higher viewership than an NHL regular season game.

    Video games are now developing into a world similar to spectator sports and there is and will be a lot more $$$ involved with it. It was pretty interesting to see.

  2. So I’ve had the TSA precheck for about 4 years now. Is there a discount on GE if you already have the other??

    And this shit is crazy. I already have to carry a TWIC card for work which is the same damn background check and fingerprinting and shit.

    I’m going to finally do GE as I’m back to traveling Intl several times a year but shit.

  3. You didn’t buy it off the guy?

    Sadly I wasn’t there for this moment. My customer saw it and took the pics on Sunday. I asked her why she didn’t buy it and she said it didn’t occur to her. So I will try to acquire one now that I know where some wound up.
  4. Don’t drive the kool aid Ldogg !

    Drive it?? Son how much have you had to drink?? Hahaha.

    Also, I wish I knew where he got it from. There are a ton of stores around here that sell t shirts and hats and jerseys and shit. I may ask my local guy here to find me one and mail it to me. My ass is flying out early in the morning so no chance to track one down.
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    Literally the first response to this tweet:
    I'm a Combat Veteran and I'll side with Russians before Democrats (the lesser of the 2 evils). My family & I are exponentially at greater risk by liberals than Russians. Liberals, the MSM & the DOJ divided this country, not Russia.

    Fuck I hate how so many people think their opinion means more because they served in the military.
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  6. What fucking self respecting man doesn’t?? Shit I’ll even toss women in there. I got no problem if a woman goes to town on her nostril. You got a problem you need to solve it.

  7. When someone hears my wife and I talking or one of us talking to our kids in Portuguese and they say “oh you speak Spanish?”

    Or when it comes up that my wife is from Brazil and the other person says “oh, so she speaks Spanish?”

    One time my now former mother in law pulled some shit like that on me. We were all sitting in the airport waiting to board a flight for a family trip. Lady sitting across from us was on her phone. She was clearly SE Asian and speaking her native language. MIL leans over to me and asks me what she’s saying. I tell her I have no clue as she’s likely speaking Vietnamese or some other language from that area. MIL leans back realizing her mistake. Then looks over at me and said “well that must be an expensive phone call then”

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  8. The key is you douche your ass with it. Makes you feel like you took 10 extra dumps every time you push all of the water back out.

    Fucking this. It’s like a beyond clean feeling afterward.
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  9. I got socks with my kids’ pictures on them.


    This is amazing. I’ll google later at work, but if you happen to know off hand where they came from please post. I need some of these.
  10. 45 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Romney said to bring all the illegals to Utah and the people there would “take care of them” and that we’d never hearof them again.   Something about housing them in temples and drinking their blood and using their skin for magical underwear or something. I’m sure he was joking. 

    Wait wait wait... these guys can drink each other's blood but they can't drink a Coke?

  11. 10 hours ago, d.plainview872 said:

    People that need music to lift. WTF? I can't believe people need motivation of hearing a voice or instruments clapping to achieve a goal. What a waste of human intelligence. 

    This is a horrific take.  No one needs the music as motivation, but it's more enjoyable with it.  Just like, oh I don't know, listening to music when you drive.  

    And at my gym you better have headphones on if not you'll be stuck listening to the horrid pop shit they pipe in all over the place. 

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