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Posts posted by Ldogg53

  1. 13 minutes ago, Mez2 said:

    last night was fun and all, but would be really encouraging to see us back it up again with a more consistent showing at the plate throughout the game. seems like when we think we're about to roll offensively, we roll the fuck over and can't do anything. would be nice to see us start making more quality at bats, swing at strikes, and not try to hit a 5 run homer every inning. 

    Well according to the stat that UtexasFight posted last night, we've only had it happen 4 times this season.  Need to get some consistency going.

    The Astros have scored 95% of their total runs this season in 4 games and the other 5% in the other 33 games[/unquote]

  2. Damn, that’s not far from me. Those dudes in that video were some healthy looking mother fuckers.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The coyotes are often over by TC Jester Park. Closer to 43rd.
  3. When you take a crap in the dark so you won't wake the wife, and you can't find the starting point on a new roll of toilet paper.

    Why not just use the flashlight function on your phone? And if you didn’t take your phone in then my next question is, what the fuck is wrong with you?
    • Like 1
  4. Meh, our good hitters are hitting well enough.  It's the bottom of the order (and some bad luck) that is hurting this offense.

    The good hitters are not hitting as well as last year. So combine that with the abysmal bottom of the order and well, we end up with a shit show way more often than we have in the last 3 seasons.
  5. On 5/5/2018 at 2:28 PM, Longboard Horn said:

    The problem with UH is that every game is mainly the students attending since home games for every sport are free. All students have to do is present their student ID and the athletics department swipes them through.  Don’t get me wrong, when I was a student there briefly, I enjoyed not having to pay for the games. However, if UH ever wants to get in the Big 12 or any P5 conference they’re going to have to start to find a way to put asses in seats. 

    About them not having fans is somewhat true since there aren’t very many ticket holders. Also, most of their “fanbase,” especially in the student section, isn’t loyal. Like I said earlier, 2010 UH went 5-7 and a lot of people I had classes with would say “I’m not going to the game. We suck.” But then the next season when UH started winning they started showing up to games. UH sadly is known for having bandwagon fans and a bandwagon student section. They only show up when UH is winning.  

    What I don't get is that ever since the Keenum years the fanbase has seem to have grown a lot, or at least become more visible.  On gamedays you'll see tons of people around Houston in UH gear and watching at bars and shit.  Yet they have a really nice stadium that's easy to access with super cheap tickets (or free in some cases) and people don't go.  Is it the game day experience down there that sucks?  Or is it just that no one cares about the competition they play against so why bother?

  6. 42 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    A few years ago, a friend and semi-neighbor of mine became convinced there was a "cat mutilator" in our area -- a sicko leaving bisected and otherwise drawn and quartered kitties "on display" in parks and yards. She even ID'd a suspect -- some fuckup kid in the neighborhood she called something like "the Night Rambler." All of this went out over the neighborhood Internet groups, and she raised such a fuss, Houston's print and TV media bit on it (ISWIDT) and HPD was forced into hosting a town hall meeting. There were at least a hundred people there.

    The cop who hosted it was like, "Y'all. This is a coyote. Not a Night Rambler."  

    That wasn't good enough for my friend, who is also very close friends with my wife, who is a cat fanatic, so we were on high alert around here this whole time. In friend's defense, her dad was an FBI agent, so she's always been a frustrated cop at heart, but still, I was trying to tell her, "Chill on this. It probably really is a coyote." And having to say the same thing to my wife...

    Not two weeks later friend was out late with her husband riding their bikes home from some bar crawl and she personally saw the "Night Rambler" stalking a cat in her 'hood. And yes, the Night Rambler was a fucking coyote. Finally, she ended her campaign about the depredations of the sicko cat mutilator. At least she very publicly owned up to her mistake. 

    And now the Night Rambler is back, but this time he's brought some friends with him. (Shot a block from my house a couple of weeks ago.)  https://video.nest.com/clip/27e9135364cb4998ab61c062535d4e25.mp4

    Lol.  That was some funny shit.  There was a house on the corner of Lindyann/Ella where some goth-type kids lived with their old parents.  The type of people who never came out of their house and never took care of their yard.  People were outwardly asking if maybe they had something to do with it.  I told someone "shit, those kids are too fat and lazy to bother trying.  All they want to do is wear baggy black clothes, eyeliner, and play video games all day."

  7. On 5/5/2018 at 6:40 PM, Baboontyme said:

    She fucks her oxycontin dealer for sure. 

    Tell her I'm a gang boss and if she wants to live that she better come fuck me a few times. 

  8. 16 hours ago, Chuychanga said:

     I’m not anti-Mexico in any way, nor do I blame anyone for still wanting to go today, but to say that it’s safe because you just went and nothing happened and you felt safe the whole time is completely useless to everybody. You have no idea whether you were in danger or not. I mean  I don’t care how aware of your surroundings you are, everybody always feels safe right up until the bullets start flying. Joe Bob the vacationer with his family feeling safe has nothing to do with the fact that he may or may not have been surrounded by cartel members at  any given time without knowing it. 

    How many tourists in Cancun have been killed this year with the 100 murders reported?

  9. As a kid growing up in Houston I loved Jack Pardee and the run and shoot offense.

    I always thought the name “cougar high” came from the fact that it is a commuter school and frankly didn’t have high educational standards. So we always called it that as an insult for it simply being an extension of your high school experience.

  10. 1 hour ago, Amos Moses said:

     I know - first place, yada yada - but the lack of apparent give a shit especially in the bad losses is an early troubling trend.

    I think the players give a shit.  You could see during the game yesterday how pissed they were that they couldn't hit and score.  At one point the body language from a lot of those guys was not good. 

    The only thing that makes sense to me is that they're all just too uptight/tense after winning it all.  We went from being a very loose playing, fun team, to one that is gripping hard to meet expectations. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, UTexasFight said:

    The lack of power is what I keep coming back to as well.

    curious if the stats show it, but seems like XBHs are almost non-existent 

    A few of us at the game today were even discussing how we don’t even seem to hit balls hard that go foul. It’s just a lot of slappy contact and easy pop outs. 

  12. 42 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Last year’s team had an unmatched killer instinct in clutch situations.  This year’s constantly shits the bed when the pressure is on.

    Doesn’t feel like we’ve had nearly any clutch hitting this year. Or really power hitting either. 

  13. 17 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Because it's game 33 of a 162 game season and I don't think he liked the match ups so much as the numbers said put Harris in. 

    Man that’s BS.   The leadoff guy was their shittiest hitter with a .171 avg.  And Harris’ spare ass walked him.  Was Hinch really afraid Devo couldn’t get that slappy out? 

    Send him out. Get the first out. And if you really believe in the matchup arguments then fine.  But Harris got beat by the worst part of their lineup. 

    • Like 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:

    If they don’t get at least 2 in the 9th, 31% of the Astros games they have scored 0 or 1 run

    it’s almost amazing they are 8 above .500

    This.  I’ll keep beating that dead horse till it gets life.  31 games. 10 of them we have scored 1/0 runs.  That’s horrendous. 

  15. 16 minutes ago, runthebone said:

    Gattis is done, unfortunately.  I'd give these guys 10 more games to the quarter mark then start making changes. 

    Is there any reason why Stassi and McCann couldn't just rotate between DH/C all the time??  Both are playing reasonably well and Stassi is showing a lot of pop in his swing.

  16. On 4/28/2018 at 7:15 AM, retread said:

    For now, the alternatives seem to be imgbox, imgbb.com and tinypic

    Tried the imgbox last night and it posted a thumbnail that you then had to click on to see the full size.  How do you just embed the full size?

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