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Posts posted by Ldogg53

  1. 6 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    I think teams will regret not taking him.

    Yep.  It’s hard to quantify how much heart and drive the guy has. It will pay dividends. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Russell Westbrook is such an immature bitch. Maybe the last person I’d ever root for in any sport on the planet at this point. This fucking idiot just went after a fan who said *nothing* to him, then went after multiple reporters and refused to answer their questions, then had the nerve and sheer lack of self awareness to say, “I don’t let what other people say bother me. It’s in one ear and out the other.” Fuck you. You and your Okie fans deserve one another. 

    Yep. Total bitchass move.   What a chump. 

  3. On 4/24/2018 at 3:15 PM, Chad Fuck said:

      But it's that last 10% that take 90% of the time, they say.  I'm sure we'll be driving rocket ships and talking with our minds at that point, but it'll happen come hell or high water.

    Very true.  

    Mine’s over at the body shop again. Good news is that he can knock out the remaining body work and fix the paint again in one week.   Bad news is that it’s going to cost me about $1k more than expected on account of some shit getting damaged during the engine swap.  News yet to be determined if bad or no big deal is that the wipers and trunk latch still don’t have a clear cut solution.  Should just be a one day deal, but who knows? Oh and we need a solution for the hood. These heavy mofos are a challenge.  

    Details are killer.  

  4. 4 hours ago, Caddox said:


    3. Chinese water torture anyone who values the Austin skyline over having an enclosed stadium atmosphere that traps in sound.

    Fucking this.  We don’t go to game to look at the gotdamn capitol.  And in the next 10 years when some developer drops in a high rise that blocks the view from the stadium then what?!?!? Fuck that shit. 

    • Like 3
  5. Ugly as fuck.  How hard is it to just mimic the north end but put that club at field level and 2 rows of suites at the top?  Hell if you want to do those towers of suites just finish them to look more like the ramp towers on the corners of the stadium.  That modern design isn’t cohesive at all.  

  6. I’m almost 1 year since I bought the car. Frankly the dude who did the LS swap is what took forever. The car just sat around while he did quick transmission rebuilds and shit instead of mine.

  7. Sheeeiiittt... nice to find this thread.  My '47 Chevy is getting real close to done.  It's in the upholstery shop finishing up tomorrow or Thurs.  Then goes back to the body shop for some finish work that we knew we'd need after doing the LS swap on the motor/tranny.   Maye a week there.  Stereo, wheels and tint will round it out and I'll be done. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I think this is a good statement of the business and "corporate" culture over there, but it still kind of begs the question, why don't the "higher ups" direct people to do more than imitate.

    Because they don't get the credit for it.  And it will be seen as a slight against them that they weren't the ones to come up with the innovation. 

  9. 19 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Much of it is cultural. I've done business in China for many years and had always been astounded by their lack of "entrepreneurial spirit". One evening, I was out with some Chinese colleagues drinking way too much Baijiu and asked why. "Simple", I was informed. "The tallest nail is the one that gets hammered down".  They want to make enough money to be happy, but not enough money to get noticed by the government. Too successful & the government takes over your business or restricts what you can do. Why invest in that?


    Definitely a lot of this.  But I'd add that the business environment/cultural expectations(non govt) also weigh heavy.  The whole concept of "saving face" is something we simply don't have here.  The US specifically is a lot more of help me out or get out of my way, when it comes to innovation and growth.  In China you're not really supposed to one-up your boss or anyone senior to you.  So while you may be the 26 year old engineer with a great idea, you'll squash it most likely because you can't overstep your bounds.  You will have shown up your boss and he/she won't have that.  Healthy companies in the US embrace innovation and improvement on processes.  People are rewarded for it, including superiors who are able to recognize talent and bring them along to exploit it.  In China it's all about knowing your role and staying in your lane.

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