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Everything posted by Richter

  1. It may look bleak now… but I believe in love after lerve
  2. There was some weird pop ballad earlier too.
  3. Wow the stadium music is…. Interesting.
  4. Well the refs are obviously trying to screw us by favoring KU so we can get into the title game and they can really come up with some crap
  5. I know better than expect anything from Kansas but a man can hope
  6. Well he wants an even more intimate relationship with fellow Oklahoman Josh Huepel and is up for some fly fishing.
  7. Some people on 3rd base think they hit a triple
  8. Seven win Steve is dead! Long live Eight Win Estevan!
  9. Hayden Connor triple false start incoming
  10. Sark: this feels like a great time for a deep ball to Worthy
  11. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory yet again
  12. At this point we just need to accidentally hit the ref after every bad call
  13. I can’t wait to be done with the refs in this conference
  14. STFU about body language and show the plays!!
  15. I mean it was the guy that just came in for Hutson
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