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Posts posted by BluTechsan

  1. On 5/29/2022 at 11:09 AM, Mittens said:

    Saw it yesterday and have to say it was pretty damn good.  Pleasantly surprised and definitely recommend.  My nitpiks:

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    Could the attack run be any bigger ripoff from Star Wars? Very sneaky how they changed the target size from 2m to 3m though.

    When they're on the final attack run, I think when Rooster finally gets his shit together and is making the climb, you can see a GoPro mounted on the rear of the aircraft.

    I get why they're using F18s and not F35/F22 for the movie, as they weren't going to get that access, but the premise that we don't have Gen5 aircraft to fight their Gen5 aircraft is idiotic, particularly since there is an F35/F22 (I can't tell the difference in passing) in the opening scene of the movie.

    The black guy that follows Maverick through the whole movie...that's not how the military works!  Dude can't be running a test flight program, then be a Top Gun instructor/staffer, then be running an aircraft carrier's launch/capture ops.

    Aircraft Carrier w/o their support group anywhere in sight, yet cruise missiles are fired from nowhere...and on the same flight path as the planes?

    Something they did in the OG and carried over again - refusal to launch support aircraft, and when they do, it's only 1 plane.  That's not how that works at all.

    All pretty minor Hollywood stuff and certainly doesn't impact the movie for the masses, just my OCD and understanding of how those ops go.  

    no, it’s not just your OCD - I didn’t like that country ‘X’ had more advanced aircraft either

  2. Saul is a criminal lawyer - in every sense of the word.

    But he’s not yet become the soulless bastard that he is in BB.

    I think Kim survives.

    While I’ll agree that her death could lead him to the point of not caring anymore, I can’t think of any scenario where he would work for and defend her killers

    However, her being alive would be all kinds of motivation for him to do so.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 55 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:


    she didn't exist when breaking bad aired.  there was no kim wexler.  seehorn was busy doing guest stars, voiceover work, and acting in whitney cumming's failed sitcom.  the "mystery" will be explained however they decide to explain it, because they're making it up.

    saul says the name "lalo" while on his knees in breaking bad and fanboys everywhere collectively forget how television shows work.


    What does any of that have to do with what I said?

    Let me try to say it again. 

    Since our introduction to her, we’ve been wondering, “Where’s Kim in BB? Why is she not around? What happens to her?”

    We all sorta just assumed that she was collateral damage of Jimmy’s conversion to Saul.  

    I’m saying that she’s the real driving force behind that conversion to who he becomes. While it’s true that Saul was Jimmy’s creation. He had pretty much stayed in shallow end of the pool.

    Kim pushed him into the deep end.

    And in the big picture, it’s a pretty big push.

  4. There’s only 1 Walter White.

    And, this show is still a part of the Walter White/BB universe. That simply is fact no matter how many new characters we meet. 

    But having said that, if I were to pick a character to be the Walter White of BCS, I’d say that it is Kim, not Jimmy.

    Which, to me, magnifies the mystery behind her whereabouts during BB even more.

    And I’m really intrigued by it all.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. This has been floating around the Youtubes for awhile now but I just now watched it tonight. (probably because of it’s run time)

    And I must say that I immediately thought of this thread (and others) in which people have asked for condensed versions of the cartoons and ways to get up to speed on all the new shows. Even tho it’s long, it’s very well done.

    And second, it’s amazing how much we see art imitating life in these stories - especially regarding corrupt governments and power.

    We often like to think of our art as an escape from our realities but most often than not it is a mirror.

    How Liberty Dies: The Politics of Star Wars

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  6. 21 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    are you tanking BCS ahead of BB because you're watching it now? go watch Crawl Space, or Ozymandius, or Grilled, or any number of BB episodes and remind yourself of why it's rated so highly. 

    I said it was becoming difficult, not that I was all the way there.

    But I'll say this, even tho it's technically a prequel, the gap has narrowed so close now to where it pretty much feels like the same show as BB with just a focus on different characters.



    This show is shouting out loud that Walter White isn't the only character to "Break Bad"

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