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Everything posted by Digdogger

  1. I’ll pile on the good news. We had a cold front here so the cargo shorts are back in the closet and I haven’t had a ball slip out of my zip offs today. Unfortunately they have a stiff zipper so it’s looked like I’ve had an erection all day when in truth that only happened when watching reruns of The Facts of Life
  2. UPDATE: Called my local pedo, gave him a rundown of symptoms and the medications I’ve been taking, which I must admit is excessive, even in these times. I also provided a very detailed family medical history, which includes a small amount of mental illness, exotic tropical disease and what even what I would call an excessive amount of AEA death. He insisted that what I told him was very worrying and asked that I never call again. I’ll mark that down as a negative test.
  3. I’m going to call the pediatrician in the morning, I’ll let you know what he says
  4. I was sitting in my chair this afternoon and started getting a really weird feeling. Something was clearly wrong. My right leg was kind of curled up, knee in the air. I had a feeling something wasn’t right. That’s when I looked down and realized one of my balls had slipped out my cargo shorts. Is that a symptom?
  5. I love that guy. He got a raw deal in getting fired from doing the Aflac ads though
  6. Both my grandfathers and 3 cousins have their official cause of death listed as “pollution”
  7. I’m seeing some pretty scar numbers of deaths from Coronavirus in Mexico. I’ll post later, but it seems like one side effect they are seeing down there is that a lot of the infected are from rival cartels and their heads are falling off
  8. The good news of that chart is that your cough is better sooner if you die. So that’s something to look forward to
  9. Why is she wearing a mask in her house when the article says wear it in public? And who’s the perv taking the picture through her window and night and where are the rest of those pics?
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