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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by burntorangebongos

  1. The piece of hair that is supposed to cover that baldness is combed over in the wrong spot. Queer eye for the straight guy show really needs to give him a makeover. He is not just an embarrassment to himself. Geesh!

  2. 11 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    When he refers to "classified material related to loretta lynch" is those pics above, is he referring to the Russian intelligence that was inserted into the FBI and which he allowed to influence his decision making?  Or something else?

    Would we know this? Has someone written about this yet? 

  3. Michael Avennati seems to believe that the move to name Sean Hannity as a client was an attempt to keep something as atty-client privilege. He has been calling things correctly for the past few weeks and his thought is something has been collecting that was recorded or written between them that he is keen to not disclose. He also thinks Michael is going to be facing a long prison sentence and he is going to flip. We'll see but he has been pretty solid with his predictions.

  4. He isn't a journalist, he is an infotainer.  Ted Koppel ripped him a new one about that and took him to task. So I guess disclosing his relationship really doesn't alter anything for him and his viewer. He is just spewing what they like to hear.

  5. On 4/14/2018 at 12:50 AM, VRHorn said:

    Note to self - when I take over the world, don’t record conversations or appear on recorded conversations.

    this really is Stupid Watergate.

    Note to self- Don't say anything so people won't know how dumb you are.

  6. Good article, thanks for posting. He has inadvertently harmed his agency by his ill advised actions and doesn't seem to really look himself in the mirror and see it. He did need to go but the barn door is open now. Wray is gone and who is next? 

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  7. That Jesse McLaren guy is funny:

    "I get why Republicans love Trump, he’s into trickle-down."

    Okay...maybe that should go into the lame jokes thread but I'm a peeliever so it got my giggle box.

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