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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by burntorangebongos

  1. 26 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Interesting that you picked the overthrow of autocratic authoritarians for both of your examples of when you should not challenge the status quo. Maybe you should have picked another one to round it out.  Someone like King George maybe.  Bunch of dumbasses, doing crazy shit to challenge the status quo without their viable replacement plan all mapped out and shit. 

    We need a major restructuring of our political alignments in this country. I actually think that we agree to a very large extent on our trajectory and where we are going as a country.  The status quo ends in a tightening political death spiral.  The GOP will not be saved, it is infected with cancer. But I do agree that we need to be thinking about what comes next. And it's more than just realignment of political coalitions. We have to make some fundamental changes to address money and special interests in politics.  I don't know all the answers, and that is ok. 

    Fundamental changes to address special interests and money is a fucking must. Maybe term limits need to happen too.

  2. Vox has a good article by Max Fisher that explains their rise in ifluence and speculates that the decline has occurred for sure with candidates like Trump and Cruz. About a 20 year reign. Its called Twilight of the Neoconservatives.

  3. I told you Avennati is a sage and real astute about reading these kind of people. He called it and that Michael will roll on Trump.

    Found this further down in the thread. haha, it is pretty damn close to the truth.


  4. huh? Someone didn't read the thread at all and just came in with guns blazing for no reason. We can disagree with his decisions but still find him to be an honest man.

    Some may think he is not honest, but that is a minority opinion.

    So far, no one I've run across has the opinion that he mishandled classified material.

    Read the thread, bud. It is a pretty good one, imo. Hugo has even scanned in some of his book which has really added to the discussion.

  5. I know right? Raw dogger in chief is probably in for at least a half dozen abortions at his age. I'd bet the Broidy one is really on him. Oh well, can't let anything the Obama administration did go undone especially if it was working.


  6. I believe that pico de gallo can only be made using serrano peppers.

    That time travel is only possible going into the future.

    That Lion in the Winter was one of the greatest movies ever made.

  7. Buying their shit is donations....as in tax shielded "donations"? Holy fuck, it is too bad the IRS can't do shit about this. These people are slimballs. No wonder they support Trump since he is one of their own kind.

  8. I think the book was more about getting out his side of the story  and discussing the importance of ethical leadership than capital gain. But I do agree with your conclusion that he was unfit to continue as director due to his faulty decision-making. He was in over his head, and it doesn't seem he sought or took advice from others. Maybe he can't write about that but it seems odd not using others as sounding boards before making up his mind. 

    Also, the book is revenge against Trump too. Not the main reason but surely a happy bonus. The way he is trolling him now is masterful. He is in his head almost as badly as Obama.


  9. If the song hadn't first been sung in a minstrel show then it wouldn't be so controversial. Prather repeating it off of Robert E Lee is more problematic but,he made it his own. Our past is checkered but we make right by trying to live up to the words on the main building, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  

    Pick your battles better, dude. This song has gone far too deep in our phyche to ever change it. 


  10. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Because the FBI would HAVE to confirm that they reopened the investigation.  Think about how that would look with Trump running around saying everything is rigged.

    You mean the FBI wasn't going to tell the American people they reopened the investigation after several had confirmed under oath that it was closed and a done deal?

    Let's say they didn't comment on the leak and it was later discovered after the election via congressional oversight that the leaks were true and the FBI concealed the reopening of the investigation.  Think about how that would play in the "it's all rigged folks" propaganda. 

    Ok, but they were able to conclude BEFORE the election that nothing was new and therefore closed it again. That is when they should have come out with the whole story and weather the media storm in the interim. Im surprised that wasnt thought of as a option is all. 

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