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Posts posted by TexasIsBetter

  1. 15 hours ago, Fletch said:

    No cause we’re going 8-1 against okie state, tech and tcu and winning the fucking conference the way Texas baseball is supposed to 

    I like that you didn't want to put yourself out there too much and shoot for 9-0, so you tempered your claim at 8-1

  2. 3 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Yeah, it’s a funny name, and everyone loves an upset, especially when it’s the fucknuts. But I’m guessing America won’t necessarily “love” them when they find out who Oral Robert’s was. Every bit the fraud as today’s fraudsters, but one of the first to do it nationwide on tv.


    Found myself in a weird position rooting for ORU over OSU. Oral Roberts was a revolutionary among epic piles of shit.

    Fuck em all. Hook em 

  3. 1 minute ago, Hookah Horns said:

    How do we square this with the reporting that Mitch supports impeachment? Is there a another reason why he wouldn't convene? 

    those reports are bullshit? Mitch sending a message to Trump that he needs to consider resignation? McConnell is an obsequious coward just like the rest of these GOP fucks

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. these fuckers calling for "unity" are children who got caught going to far and don't want to get grounded. fuck you. this is not the same as the BLM protests. those protests didn't kill people or storm the capitol with intent to kill. fuck your unity. you want unity? Unite under the president taking responsibility for his actions and punishing those responsible for this bullshit situation we're in.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    TFB- mass exodus

    ***Haven’t gotten the ok from my source to release the name but am told another entrant to the portal is likely to come in the next few days. Likely Monday or Tuesday.

    ***Player is a freshman. I’m told he hasn’t let the coaches know but does already have a spot and has begun moving out. So, while the coaches may be able to convince him to stay, I don’t imagine it will be easy

    Bye bye Bijan?

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