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Posts posted by TexasIsBetter

  1. 7 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    In the Denver airport water fountain line, I just told a guy wearing an iowa State hat:

    ”I went to Texas and I want to thank you for beating us by 29 points a few days ago.”

    He responded: “I don’t know if that’s going to be enough to get rid of your coach.” 

    We both agreed that we liked the guy, but I added “Unfortunately he can’t coach.”

    I was at the dentist’s for the first half of the day. Have we had a regime change yet?

    And everybody clapped

  2. 1 minute ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    So wtf was Witten celebrating there at the end?

    You just finished the year 8-8 and missed the playoffs, which has to be considered a terrible disappointment given the potential and payroll, yet you're pumping your fist and exhorting the crowd repeatedly?

    Wtf ever, man.

    It's his last game with JG as head coach?

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