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Redneck Mutha

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Redneck Mutha

  1. 13 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    The aggy blamed God when their dangerous as hell bonfire collapsed killing 12 students (aggy thinks that number is sacred for some ignoramous reason as if the 12th man wanted 12 students to die for no good reason). So that this guy almost died on the aggy practice field must have been some tragic “accident” that once again was God’s fault and had nothing to do with their grossly negligent controlled culture which actually is worshiped at aggy (aggy doesn’t sue other aggy, because why, well, don’t know). 

    Jerry Schmidt has 12 letters in his name.  Whoop!

  2. On 4/5/2018 at 5:06 AM, ButtFumble said:

    stores that put out their own store coupon for shit that they do not stock in the store

    who in the fuck lets that shit happen

    At HEB yesterday and was buying something that had a coupon to buy this product get another product for free.  Slight problem, they didn't carry the product I was supposed to get for free.

  3. Terra Grapplers on my F150, 50k so far and going strong.  I forget what DT told me on remaining treadlife when they rotated them the other day, but still a good amount left.  Mostly city miles to and from work.

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