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Redneck Mutha

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Redneck Mutha

  1. 7 hours ago, TexasEd said:

    Well you can eat a chic fil a every day and you don't usually save the leftover for the next day (perishable item plus elastic demand).  Most people don't go through a bottle a day (Lehmberg) and if they do they might buy multiple bottles and put one on the shelf (static demand and non-perishable good).  Being open an additional day will not increase sales 17% over the year but guessing maybe 5% which would be offset by the additional labor and other variable costs associated with the extra day.  

    This is correct.  Overall liquor sales (and therefore consumption) is not going to magically increase an additional 17% if stores are open on Sunday.  Today, if I miss the 9PM cutoff or forget about Sunday/holiday store closures, I'm still drinking liquor, it's just something that I already had in my liquor cabinet.  


    All of that said,  the current laws are stupid, fuck over consumers, and need to be changed.  Let the market figure it out.  If Spec's, Twin's, Target, Sam's, whoever wants to not sell on Sunday or after 9PM or before 7AM, that should be their choice.  And if I want to open the only store in town that sells 24/7, then that should be my choice to do so.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Burt said:

    At least its "only" skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) instead of something more serious.  I'm not trying to garner sympathy, just wondering if anyone else here has had it and what everything looked like after the removal.  Mine is on my left cheek about an inch under my eye.  Probably from years of softball and lake outings, often without sunscreen.  I already have a scar on the eyelid above the eye from a sucker punch and dont want a huge scar below it as well.

    I place the blame for this squarely on the head of Kevin Morgan.

    Had the same shit, same location 8-10 years ago.  MOHS did the trick.  You can barely notice the area it was done.  Agreed with the comment that the shot is the worst part.  Also agree with the comment that the quicker you get in and get it done, the better.  Reminds me I'm due for a trip to see the derma-doc...


    tl, dr; fuck Kevin Morgan.

  3. 16 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    That fat, dick-chugging son of a bitch.

    Fuck his brother, too.

    And their parents.

    Yes, this needs its own thread.

    ou sucks

    I like the cut of your jib.


    In conclusion, ou sucks.

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