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Posts posted by faps

  1. I guess that would be the next question. Who would they replace him with? Has Kvyat shown he's matured and is no longer the torpedo? Albon probably still too green and could use another season at TR. Do you go outside of F1 and bring in O'Ward?

  2. On 6/4/2019 at 8:51 AM, Prepuce of Doom said:

    The broadcast product is no better. 

    Missed green flags, unannounced channel changes, copious commercials, Leigh Diffey, etc. 

    Ah man, I wasn't sure if I was in the minority or what with Leigh Diffey. He knows things, has a long history as an announcer and I can respect that...but his voice is nails on a chalkboard for me. Like a Fosters beer or Outback commercial, way over the top Aussie.

  3. The helmet tributes would've been even cooler if they didn't have all their sponsors on there. Basically match Niki's helmet exactly.

    The cars are too long and wide (twss) for Monaco. I love the track, but the cars outgrew the place long ago. I am thinking back to 2001? when DC was stuck behind Enrique Bernoldi for half the race.

    Indy was great.

    Seems like shit is bad for Charles at the moment, but where else could he go?

  4. I am wishing for rain at the rest of the races. That is the only thing that could make this season watchable to me. Yes, the midfield is spicy, but I want to see different winners dammit.

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  5. Someone on Instagram asked Ed Jones what that start was all about, his response: everyone was repeatedly brake checking, initially went out of line to avoid crashing and knowing I’d get a penalty anyway I made the most of it

    So he just said fuck it. lol

  6. I don't get the point of trying to scare people off of COTA Blvd. There are only 5k (or less) people at COTA during events that aren't MotoGP or F1. They should be embracing the die hards that would actually go to a Blancpain or Pirelli WC or WEC event, not trying to make it harder for us.

    I am wondering what the Indy turnout is gonna be like.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I had a dream last night that Trump allowed us to be invaded by Russia. Their planes and tanks and shit were everywhere, and the maga crowd were all sporting new Russia shirts and hats, and cheering for Russia at their rallies. It was.... unsettling.

    So like an alternate reality Red Dawn remake, kinda. Instead of Russians and the Cubans, its the Russians and MAGA tards.

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