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Everything posted by HornsOverIthaca

  1. Yep. Super AIDS. The new strain of AIDS that’s resistant to all known forms of treatment. One teaspoon of that up your butt and you’re dead in three years
  2. Man, the new Ghost Rider is not what I expected.
  3. Meh. We will probably send some kind of message to them and they’ll respond “lol cool story bro.”
  4. There be Jews in the RGV? Well I’ll be darned.
  5. Rather root for all the viruses. Even Super AIDS.
  6. Can’t believe it’s already bye week. Damn. Or is it actually an off week?
  7. “She told me to come over there was nobody home. I went over. There was nobody home!”
  8. That’s what I thought but I couldn’t find a clear answer.
  9. You know some of those Godzilla movies are dubbed pretty damn well honestly.
  10. There were mountains here 300 million years ago? That's wild.
  11. I'm still surprised a player can have a jersey number of 0 now. I hope that √3 is next.
  12. Nostradamus all up in this bitch
  13. Where you gonna be when the money, the money run low?
  14. Dr. Samuel Johnson's right about Olson Johnson being right!
  15. The smartest thing he said all night. Kai Money would be a great stage name for a underground breakdancer who doesn’t follow the normal underground breakdancing rules...whatever those may be.
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