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Everything posted by HornsOverIthaca

  1. Can’t believe no one has claimed “myself when I caught my reflection in a helmet.”
  2. Well, Mark Mangino’s son lives in the austin area now.
  3. go make out with 19 year old dudes somewhere else you worthless bag of fuck
  4. #3 is a garage pull. Which will be used to close the garage so we can asphyxiate from the car exhaust.
  5. Whomever voted for "would rather keep Herman if we can't get Meyer" should go away with Herman.
  6. Del Valle made it to 12 total yards by the end of the game.
  7. Fuck the buyout. I know a guy who can throw a platoon of dead hookers over his fence and all his buddies fences. Problem solved. Even went to SMU.
  8. Oh man the lasagna I ate last night is causing some colon issues. I better go take a charleston rambo.
  9. It makes me wonder if there’s a carbon monoxide leak in the field house.
  10. Oh man. Emmanuel Achos hair is starting to go into ancient aliens guy territory.
  11. Why would anyone do drugs when they could mow a lawn?
  12. I would expect whom ever is going to NFHS stream the game would need the stadium to provide internet access for them. A place like House Park or Burger Center may not have it, they may have it but say no, or they say yes but can’t get around the firewalls.
  13. Geddy Lee posting here would be so absurd I could almost believe it.
  14. Paying for NFHS isn’t a guarantee either. Sometimes there’ll be a game announced but it doesn’t get streamed for whatever reason.
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