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Everything posted by UTHornFan014

  1. Why in the holy hell did Maldonado get an at bat there?
  2. Feel like this will be a year of Jekyll and Hyde for Hunter Brown. He's got great stuff, but he'll have to figure out how to attack deep lineups like the Braves have With that said... I do think that inning could have been a lot different if he had gotten that close call on Acuna
  3. Our pitching staff is sucking a bunch of dick right now
  4. Glad we have Maldy at catcher instead of Vazquez 🙄
  5. Think we pissed off the ump barking at him last inning based on that strike out on Hensley
  6. Even worse is that the guy who should be our catcher this year drove in that run
  7. Fucking infuriating. He is too lazy to try to slide over and block the ball. He tries to pick everything backhanded. And he almost whiffed catching balls that didn't bounce. Fucker should get his eyes checked
  8. I blame all bad things that have occured this season on that eye sore Oxy patch
  9. Don't think he has made it out of Dusty's seemingly random doghouse yet Maybe he thinks they also made Home Plate a few inches bigger?
  10. You may be joking, but I give it a 75% chance that he is
  11. Watching Jake Meyers and Maldy bat makes my eyes bleed. At least Dubon isn't in the lineup tonight. Though to be fair watching most of our offense bat so far this season makes my eyes bleed
  12. Great... Catcher interference I think we are still hungover from the champagne last November
  13. This is what pissed me off more than anything. The refs completely changed how they were calling the game compares to the first half and it ruined the flow/tempo that was working for us.
  14. This Oxy patch makes me wanna gouge out my eyes... But as long as it helps us get everyone extended I guess I can tolerate it
  15. It sounds like his uncle also said they flipped him on his stomach to take pressure off the lungs due to blood in the lungs. For the medical experts/doctors - Is blood in the lungs a normal thing after a situation like that? How does that impact long term prognosis?
  16. Can y'all help me get this assclown banned from Twitter? He is posting fake GoFundMe links that are modeled off Damar Hamlin's and trying to get people to donate to the wrong one https://twitter.com/moonwalkjosh I've already reported him and some of the links/tweets, but he has posted quite a few
  17. This gave me flashbacks to when someone had a cardiac arrest when walking out of my office one day at work. Just dropped straight down after being fine one second earlier. Me and another co-worker did compressions until the ambulance showed up with some weird jackhammer chest compression machine (that ended up breaking a couple of his ribs). Apparently during the time it took medical personnel to get him to the hospital he also had some sort of stroke/brain bleed. Luckily, he ended up surviving and regaining most of physical capabilities after almost a month in the hospital.
  18. Does this count as the first official flip on signing day?
  19. Mets are like "We don't give a fuck about no luxury tax or physical"!
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