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Posts posted by IPoopOnWhoop

  1. Huge loss if it is for any extended period of time. 

    On 8/13/2018 at 1:22 PM, MoJames said:

    That schedule almost works a bit against City as both Chelsea and Arsenal will have more time under their managers prior to facing them and teams with a chunk of players in the World Cup will have time to recover. Who knows if it will matter.

    Well we have already played Arsenal on the road so I don’t think that will make too much of a difference for them.  The Chelsea point is valid, but it seems like it will most likely be a 2 team league race between Liverpool and City anyway.

  2. The final was Nadal and Djokovic.  As soon as the Isner and Anderson semi hit about 9-9 in the 5th, all the drama for the actual final was gone.  Disappointing end after Fed/Anderson, Rafa/Delpo, Isner/Anderson, and Rafa/Djokovic were all time classics leading up to it.  All in all it was a fantastic tournament, and one that could really set the summer hard court season on fire.  

    Who is the favorite in New York?  Djokovic has his confidence and game back would be a wise bet.  Nadal has lost 3 matches all year (1 injury retirement, another a 5th set classic), just had his best run in 7 years on his worst surface and is the defending champion.  Federer won the first hard court major of the year and has won 2 of the last 3 on the surface.  Delpo can beat absolutely anyone on any day and looks better than he has in years.  Or perhaps a youngster will finally step up...doubtful.

    This is the most I have looked forward to a summer hard court season in at least 5 years.

  3. 12 all seems like a logical place to have a tiebreak.  I’m also ok with the final going until someone wins by 2 games, but that’s about the only time.  

    Back to the match, this is what tennis should look like.  Both guys playing well and hitting multiple solid shots in a single point.  Fuck that serve and nothing else bs.

  4. My former boss (still good friends) is Young’s uncle through marriage.  They went to the draft and were at the after party and everything.  Even he thinks he was overrated and would have benefited from staying in school and learning some shot discipline.  

  5. 8 minutes ago, Cameltoe said:

    Bigger problem was just letting Di Maria operate completely freely in the center of the field from just outside the box. That's a dangerous part of the field and France was just like "Sure, have a shot lad!"

    To be fair, “just outside the box” is a relative description.  He was 10-15 yards outside.

  6. Give me Argentina, Portugal, Mexico, and Belgium with Belgium over Argentina up top.

    Spain, Croatia, Switzerland, and England with Spain over England on the bottom.

    Spain over Belgium 2-1 in extra time for the cup, although I would much rather the opposite happen.

  7. I’m watching this at an all inclusive in Mexico.  It is full of English fans who want them to win.  They don’t seem to care about the future, although both teams seems to be only concerned with it.  I’m going back to the pool bar at halftime.

  8. I could easily see Russia parking the bus for 90 minutes.  A draw would essentially see them through to the round of 16 with their goal differential.  

  9. This is the exact type of game that shows how stupid Germany was to leave out Sane.  Everyone on the field looks so much slower than the Mexican players.  They are in some real trouble unless they can control the ball for 70% of the 2nd half.  

  10. It was only a $150 ticket, and I sent it certified.  Called today and after getting sent to several wrong departments and given two wrong numbers I got the right person.  They pulled up the info quickly, confirmed the address, and said it was sent a while ago.  They issued a stop payment and I should have a new one within a week.

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