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Posts posted by Fozzz

  1. 6 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    This crisis is showing how some people have emotional and self control issues. Not to mention that they believe in some God given right to shop wherever they want, however they want. They're equating a mask requirement with being shipped off to the gulag archipelago.

    I think more than maybe any other society Americans have fully internalized the logic of the market and have truly made themselves into homo economicus.  There is nothing to do but to consume and any restraint on consumption (even if intended to allow for greater consumption at a later date) is seen as tyrannical.  

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

    Horseshit!  Go look at the football board!  If you think UT isn't going to open the season in front of > 100k people then you're a giant fucking pussy! 

    We’re all gonna get it so might as well get it and have football is what I say. 

    • Fuck You 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    It is your belief that his mouth breathing Myrmidons do not get misinformation/validation of his lies by means of that PR vehicle?


    If they stopped giving press briefings entirely do you think it would make one iota of difference to those people?  The only people who would even notice would be resistance libs such as yourself who jerk off to pictures of Jim Acosta.  

    I'm not arguing that she's a good person but I believe we can all agree that she is responsible for less human suffering than someone like Joe Biden, for instance.  

    • Fuck You 3
  4. 5 hours ago, RexWilson said:

    Florida Project.

    Liked it and Dafoe does a great job. The ending misses the mark though.

    One of the best movies of the decade, imo.  Baker does an excellent job of depicting poverty by emphasizing the structural over the personal. The protagonist is neither a hero nor a villain, just someone trying to negotiate the circumstances of her life. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    It’s almost like we Americans are an unruly population that is not easily controlled relative to other countries. We DGAF and are willing to take on higher levels of risk than others. It’s served us well over time.  Sometimes it doesn’t. 

    lol no we’re just dumb as dirt. We will lie down and take anything from our betters. South Koreans have the gumption to throw their corrupt politicians in prison but they are smart enough to wear masks and practice social distancing. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Message Board User said:

    It's quite apparent that some states have just said "fuck it."

    I follow a FB page for the rural country in which I lived during high school, and it is astounding to read the threads in that group pertaining to COVID.  Someone will post something about the hospitalization spike and i will be followed by a tidal wave of hoopleheads parroting the same talking points (surely coming from FNC) about how its not a big deal and actually the spike is due to faulty data.  The power to propagandize that our large media institutions hold is something to behold.  

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  7. 1 minute ago, Valmy77 said:

    I suppose you could argue all of those things. 

    Of course if you take your last two sentences, saying that ultimate the entire project is impossible because our society requires violence and terror, then you can hardly critique it much for being unable to solve an impossible problem.

    We will see.

    I don't think the problem is intractable.  I just don't think going after the police is the way to address the problem - it's trying to treat a disease by treating one symptom of the disease.  

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  8. 1 minute ago, The Earl of Texas said:

    Black Lives Matter is not an organization or a group. It is a concept. Stop addressing it like it is an organization or a group.

    A big part of the problem with BLM, like with Occupy, is that there is no real leadership or concrete organization through which demands could be made.  You can create energy through such a structure but eventually the energy will peter out and nothing of real substance will be accomplished.  However, I think it would be inappropriate to consider it only as a entirely disassociated movement or hashtag - there are several activist groups that operate under the BLM banner, including the activists who proposed Campaign Xero.

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  9. I think it is fair to critique BLM.  Particularly that as an activist group it has failed to provide any kind of concrete vision to address the issues it serves to amplify in the public consciousness.   You could also argue that the premise of reforming or defunding the police is wrongheaded and while some good could be done, the project is destined to fail to achieve the goal of substantially reducing state sanctioned violence directed against blacks.  Police perform a necessary function in our society (as it currently exists) and the violence and terror created by the police is part and parcel of that function. 

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  10. An interesting perspective on the application of state sanctioned violence in this country.


    But, when we step away from focus on racial disproportions, the glaring fact is that whites are roughly half or nearly half of all those killed annually by police. And the demand that we focus on the racial disparity is simultaneously a demand that we disattend from other possibly causal disparities. Zaid Jilani found, for example, that ninety-five percent of police killings occurred in neighborhoods with median family income of less than $100,00 and that the median family income in neighborhoods where police killed was $52,907.4 And, according to the Washington Post data, the states with the highest rates of police homicide per million of population are among the whitest in the country: New Mexico averages 6.71 police killings per million; Alaska 5.3 per million; South Dakota 4.69; Arizona and Wyoming 4.2, and Colorado 3.36. It could be possible that the high rates of police killings in those states are concentrated among their very small black populations—New Mexico 2.5%; Alaska 3.9%; South Dakota 1.9%; Arizona 4.6%, Wyoming 1.7%, and Colorado 4.5%. However, with the exception of Colorado—where blacks were 17% of the 29 people killed by police—that does not seem to be the case. Granted, in several of those states the total numbers of people killed by police were very small, in the low single digits. Still, no black people were among those killed by police in South Dakota, Wyoming, or Alaska. In New Mexico, there were no blacks among the 20 people killed by police in 2015, and in Arizona blacks made up just over 2% of the 42 victims of police killing.

    What is clear in those states, however, is that the great disproportion of those killed by police have been Latinos, Native Americans, and poor whites. So someone should tell Kai Wright et al to find another iconic date to pontificate about; that 1793 yarn has nothing to do with anything except feeding the narrative of endless collective racial suffering and triumphalist individual overcoming—“resilience”—popular among the black professional-managerial strata and their white friends (or are they just allies?) these days. What the pattern in those states with high rates of police killings suggests is what might have been the focal point of critical discussion of police violence all along, that it is the product of an approach to policing that emerges from an imperative to contain and suppress the pockets of economically marginal and sub-employed working class populations produced by revanchist capitalism.


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  11. Just now, G650 said:

    But that isn't really an issue. Racial disparity and the breadth of the gap in the elite and the masses are however.

    Well, this sentiment is precisely the problem I was targeting in my first post.  Simply reshuffling the deck, if that were even possible, isn't going to reduce the amount of immiseration in our society.  All it could do, and this is what I believe liberals are really after, is to further legitimize that immiseration.

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