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Posts posted by qwertyu1234

  1. 1 hour ago, staboner said:

    how are they at Dtackle? i think that is where Brady gets fucked the most. See Donald, Aaron, or Tuck, Justin. 

    I think the chefs are good at DE no? a lot easier to scheme around DEs than a game changer like Donald at DT IMO

    Chris Jones is the 2nd best DT in the league and they have a few decent run stuffers as well.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    I want to tell you a story about the last time I was in Portland. The night before we played at the Long Goodbye. I was walking on the street about 10:30 at night. A lot of people go to bed around here at 10:30 at night. And well, I was walking along when suddenly these jocks in this bright blue pickup drove up. It had KC lights, tractor tires, everything but the CB. It was a life-size Hot Wheels car for some dumb rich kid, right. Well, they drove up to me and they yelled what dumb rich kids usually yell, "Hey faggot," and showered me with water

    So, I stood there thinking, what a bunch of fuckheads, and picked up a rock. Now, I waited, walked down about a block to where the Kentucky Fried Chicken is, on Burnside, and sure enough they drove around again. They said, "Hey, faggot, where's the nearest McDonald's?" I said, "I don't know", and they squirted me again. So I threw the rock and put a nice-sized dent in their giant Hot Wheels car

    They screeched to a halt in the parking lot of some department store, who's name I don't remember, it's up the street from Fred Meyer, and they got out their clubs and they ran after me, yelling "We're gonna kill you, you god damn faggot, we're gonna kill you, you motherfucker." So I got in a phone booth by the Kentucky Fried Chicken on Burnside, held my legs straight out like this so they couldn't open the door to the phone booth. So they began charging the phone booth, beating on it with their clubs, yelling, "We're gonna kill you, you motherfucker! We're gonna kill you, you goddamn faggot!" I just looked at them

    So, there was a crowd gathering by this time and these kids were standing nearby and they said, "Oh, look at him, he's insane." I thought, aha, here's my way out! I yelled at them, "Take me to a mental hospital right away. I wanna be be put away. Please put me away, c'mon, call the cops and put me away. Please put me away now." They said, "Alright, faggot, we're calling the police."

    So they called the police. The cop comes out and I go "Ah, my savior, I'm away from these jocks." He opens up the door, "Get outta there, you," throws me up against the car, frisks me, shoves me in the back. Then he goes over to the jocks. "Now what happened here? It looks like we're going have to take him to jail but we got to have the full story first" So the jocks, who had an ace in the hole, ace in the hole (take down on the bass, a little bit down on the bass, yeah), ace in the hole, and they go, "Well, goddammit, the motherfucker put a dent in my truck, a $5000 truck, right, so I got my club, I went out and I wanted to kill him! I want to kill him! Let me kill him, goddammit! Let me kill him!"

    So the cop made them go home, and he drove me home, and he confiscated their club and my rock as further evidence. And I thought, so this is Oregon, huh? Tolerant Oregon? Ray, are you done with your guitar yet? He isn't done yet. So what else do you want to hear, I'm out of stories. 



    Ok Jello Biafra. 

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  3. 51 minutes ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

    She would be my first overall pick in the "Women who got better looking as they got older" draft. Julia Louis-Dreyfus would be #2.

    Marg Helgenberger also

  4. 7 minutes ago, pops said:

    Listen. I think Trump did some good things for the country. But he's a cunt. I just never thought his cuntiness would get this far. If today wasn't the moment to invoke the 25th then it doesn't exist. He doesn't deserve to go out on his terms. This was complete bullshit and just keeps the American people from getting back to any type of rational discourse. 

    Like what?

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