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  1. Wtf is the scuttle butt with Murphy? Successful coaches at Texas don't just wake up one day and decide to resign....
  2. Not a subscriber. Is he saying he's better than wby? Or is it more like "I'd be the top pick in a non wemby draft"?
  3. Celtics big 3 (4? Does rondo count?) sort of a mix of both. But that was an entirely different era at this point.
  4. Would not hate to see Patty Mills brought back for leadership Nobody tell kermit I said this
  5. Celtics and Nuggets are basically home grown. Lakers and Heat less so... but those two teams, specifically, rarely are. I don't think "super teams" are as big of a problem for the NBA as load management. Which, as a Spurs fan, is not easy to admit, considering Pop basically started the trend.
  6. When is the drive to survive-inspired PGA TOUR show coming out? Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
  7. You're pushing your luck, little man Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
  8. Just tried the Carolina reaper puffs. Not sure if they're always available and I've just missed them or they're special edition. Holy fuck balls they are perfect Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
  9. Dafuq? Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
  10. Agree to agree Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
  11. Y'all ever read "if you give a mouse a cookie"? Well.... It me. Contractor came over to price it out and managed to convince us to go big. Went from simply swapping a chandelier to installing 5 LED "faux can" lights and painting the entire ceiling white, instead. Gives us a lot more options with the room - - no longer locked in to it being a dining room based on a light fixture, which is nice since we spend so damn much more time at home nowadays
  12. That pic is grainy. It's this stuff
  13. Am I wasting my time with this stuff? I'm reading the recs in this thread but I'm a little too preoccupied by toddlers to research the purchase tbh
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