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Posts posted by Speedtrucker

  1. Good.


    Fuck Pique and biscuits. Alba is about the only one I’d miss but Azpil and Odriozola will be fine with Carvajal as a sub.

    Pique is divisive enough as it is with the Spanish fans.
    It has something to do with whales bleaching themselves.  Whether that’s due to naval sonar systems is anyone’s guess.

    Like the whales are bleaching their arseholes?
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Completely free DLC? Holy shit, Ubisoft is trying to build the goodwill that games like Destiny lost with their fanbase. Particularly if the Annual Pass for D2 doesn't even include new areas. 

    They kinda had that with Ranbiw 6 Seige where you didn’t have to buy it and could play to unlock each new character for all the new dlc.

    Also sounds like EA and Ubisoft have finally got the message that DLC paywalls split your player base beyond normal vs ranked/hardcore and that splinter isn’t good for longevity.
  4. Never been knowledgeable of Bomani, my barber likes him and I hear him on the TV when I’m at the shop on random Saturday mornings.

    All that to say he was dead on with almost all except forgetting Colt being a freak stinger away from another title 4 years later.

    VY moved ahead of Ricky as my favorite all-time Horn and I was at all of each of their big games. Except 1... VY bringing Texas back against OKie State, I was at a bar watching that game sick to my stomach in the first half. I still remember the one long ass run he had where he pump faked like 10 yards down field and the LB/Safety still went airborne as VY went gliding by.

  5. Everyone’s your brother until the rent comes due!

    Loved this movie, you could feel Mamet’s dialogue all over this film.

    Top 5 car chase scene easy.
    My top 5 are:
    French Connection
    Way of the Gun
    Dirty Mary crazy Larry

    I normally exclude films that are basically films about a car chase, Driver, Drive, Gone in 60(original), vanishing point, etc. they are some good movies but they kinda exclude themselves in my opinion.

    Oh and I still love the Blues Brothers chase.

  6. I am excited to see more about Fallout and really looking forward to the Division 2. I am curious to see what direction they take the game. They've done a really nice job with the expansions they've done on the original Division. Many argued a sequel wasn't needed that you could just keep building on current environment and growing it that way.
    I am curious to see what approach they've taken: expand NYC, do a different global locale? etc etc

    This is all true of how I rollercoastered on the Division. It was fun but too much grind and meh. Then I hit a valley where it just became not fun at all and we moved on. Then a buddy and I went back over a year later and the big update had made it feel so much better. Then we played survival and had a blast with it. I still go in and play it during outbreak events to have some fun with the changing events. Also I built a D3-FNC tank build and now I have fun running around tanking everything.

    Really wondering what they are gonna do with D2
  7. It's like bragging about how fast you are, by saying you cut through some back alleys to win a race. It doesn't make any sense, because Lucas didn't know what a parsec was in 1977.

    Which is basically the entire premise of Han and Lando.

    Lie cheat smuggle or steal.

    So explaining that the Falcon is fast by lying And exaggerating is pretty spot on.

    Even in Lucas’ wrong use of the term, it still fits Han.

    It’d be like me saying my Challenger is fast, I made the Dallas to Beaumont run in less than 300 miles, if you round down.

  8. Perez wants a puppet. Zizou is no puppet.

    You aren’t far off.

    I’d say someone that likes flash and glitz like a Mourinho. Ancelotti and Zidane weren’t about galacticos or making a scene, they were about the team inside the locker room.

    Perez wants a manager that wants to buy everything and everyone and won’t say no to big splash market signings. Puppet-esque in the market
  9. This isn’t going to be a quit or you’re fired.

    This is more of a fuck all the bullshit, try and do better than 3 champions league titles in 2.5 years without me.

    I will say his managerial style was about youth and continuity which isn’t what Perez and the Madrid press/socios want. They want galacticos and fiery headlines.

    He rotated the lineup so much that Isco, Bale and CR7 were frustrated by it and the fans and press didn’t like that Madrid sunk to 3rd in la Liga while Barca set records in la Liga. There is a reason the superstar players absolutely loved Ancelotti, he rides the stars in every game and rotates very little. Zizou has always been about being healthy and playing their best come the title season. That doesn’t float well in the Spanish capital.

    Going into the WC you know that Madrid is always about buying galacticos after a WC, Zizou more than likely realized his plans and Perez’s plans were so far apart that he said fuck it, do it without me.

    Now that he’s gone I expect either Bale or CR7 to stay, more than likely CR7 because perez won’t sell his icon during a managerial swap.

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