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  1. And that’s the problem. I feel like this coulda been a completely stand alone entry. Instead they kept forcing in KAM and Yoda which makes “stand alone” moments instead become “wait did we just rewrite key parts of Ep 1, 4 & 7?!?” They picked a time period that was ripe for exploration, even introduced some interesting Jedi and dark users, had a theme that coulda been interesting but instead of exploring, I feel like they divided that their path would be divisive and forcing the “issues” And lastly I feel like the writing left way too many arcs all screwy and poorly answered if even answered
  2. I did that once with my dad’s ‘64 beetle… He was a ref and we always had old whistles laying around the house… one day I thought it would be funny to tape one of them to his bumper. It was to me. It was not to him. I got in some well worth it trouble. [emoji1787]. I shoulda put it under the car like that
  3. I just hope that in S2 we get a proper back story for Schmi Skywalker. Like she was a massive hutt slut that got around with all the Gamorreans but got in a little too deep financially. And her last big move was pulling a heist on the Tuskens for one last spice score but Gardulla the Hutt double crosses her and instead gives her over to Watto as a slave. Thus we really find out Anakin wasn’t the force reacting to Plageuis the peeping tom but instead he was the Force providing balance to Tatooine by becoming Vader, keeping Boba Fett alive and employed and thus restoring order to the Tuskens and Hutt cartel. Boom! Smash wipe to Darth Bane secretly alive with his pet Sarlacc watching from a sand dune!
  4. Sadly you named only Ezra that kinda makes your point. Ahsoka is no Jedi. Yord and Jecki were killed off right after being introduced so they are a non-issue. Sabine was a failed Jedi, like Osha but at least was committed to the rebellion thankfully instead of whatever Osha decided. That was the creative part of Ezra and Kanan, Kanan struggled with order 66. Ezra struggled with his connection to living creatures and the force, he showed his weakness at times to the dark side but resoundingly found his path along the light side. I know I’m being narrow minded but that’s what pissed me off about the shitty writing here. There was so much potential to get creative in a window that could live within itself and instead it decided to shit on known characters including Yoda. And this is worse than Luke throwing his (and his dad’s) saber off a cliff despite Rey bringing it to him… If Skeleton Crew does some crazy story line introducing an arc that presents Jabba the Hutt as a secret Sith master or some shit I’ll lose my mind. /s
  5. Well going forward the Jedi are the evil ones. So maybe Baylan when he gets recast. I woulda said droids were still ok to root for but Pip providing evidence that further reinforces all droids are sith until captured and reprogrammed.
  6. lol if you mean Della Guardia that dude is in Loot with Maya Rudolph. He acts totally normal in that show but in Presumed Innocent, he’s acting style is weird. My wife and I both said why is is being so weird?!? And Peter “not a Skarsgard” Sargaaaaard is great in this. We are 3 in and I never saw the original but my wife did. I think this might be the only Han Solo movie I never saw
  7. My daughter said that they had less money but had to put more in for reshoots but I can’t find any confirmation on this. But yeah for $180 it did not feel like it.
  8. I like it but man I throw a lot of INTs… Also I can’t wrap my head around the new zone read/rpo/etc controls. I fake myself out half the time. I’m already getting beat down by the drum line beat in the main menus. I’ll be turning that down soon. I like that there are 2 “big game”(ESPN) and “broadcast” (abc) teams but man this really woulda been a huge opportunity to go big by adding the “fox” crew of Gus and Joel as a 3rd team. I’ll forever hold EA NCAA basketball in high regard for having the ESPN vitale crew and the CBS Kellogg crew for 2 different broadcast feels. FIFA/EA FC has down this with the overlays but they only do a league and national announcers. Someone needs to do a “rpo for surly dummies” on here because I’m struggling.
  9. Also the ep3 & 7 rashomon bit failed miserably to me. This didn’t show the same story from to different lying perspectives. Instead to me it basically showed snippets of a story and then the unraveling of that story. I don’t care if they made parts darker when Sol was being bad. The whole point is to tell the same story from multiple liars. Bleh I’m frustrated with this show. Everytime I jump onto X more engagement farming pops up with terrible views or just outright “yeah but this saber play was better than anything ever!” [emoji2359]
  10. Well he says he wants an acolyte. Going off canon, that’s a role for the apprentice when he decides he going after the crown. Sith master Sith apprentice Sith acolyte/assassin
  11. Sooo remember all the chatter and backbending that went on about Ki Adi Mundi earlier? Just to tie a bow on it… KAM looks even worse now, he and Yoda are ruined. KAM saw a red sabered villain was killing Jedi, the official “story” is Sol killed them… so KAM actively covers up the story and Yoda is in on it too based on that dumb cameo. When they do a re-release of The phantom menace instead of making “Han shoot first”, they just need to rename it, “The phantom menace we’ve known about for 100 years and 2 grand master have been actively concealing”
  12. Based on this show, they’d kill you and blame Porkins or Red Two…
  13. After this show, all Jedi should die. The Sith are the good guys or at least better than Jedis. Trackers are useless. The senate was feckless. Yoda is probably the worst Jedi ever. Droids default to Sith status when hard rebooted. QGJ at least moved the Jedi forward spiritually despite being a terrible person/jedi. Crouching tiger hidden Jedi and The matrix strikes back can’t save this.
  14. Garbage. 1 cool part. 2 meaningless cameos. No arcs tied up properly. Everyone was unlikeable. Please don’t give this a second season.
  15. And we are sure this is all planned vacation and not contracts?
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