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Posts posted by BabaYaga

  1. Don't sleep on pork-belly burnt ends either.  Just cube it up, toss them in rub, and get after it.  Smoke for a few hours, then cover and slop them up.  If you want to go super-simple:  butter, brown sugar, and sweet baby rays.  Meat candy.  


    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I’m definitely doing the onions and Hatches (come Hatch season).

    IMO you could kinda go wild with add ons you want to flavor with.  I’ll like try this method with pork shoulders too.

    Pork shoulders and chuckies are my two favorites.  I'll still do a brisket, but it has to be a special occasion or on demand for a neighbor, etc.  They take too long to cook and they're too damn expensive when most people want to church the meat up anyway and make tacos and fancy sliders.  Seriously, look at this beautiful beech right here - bark was perfect



    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 3 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I realized I didn't have any pics because I put them all on snapchat, but I recently tried smoking a couple of chuck roasts I had leftover from a 1/4 cow I split with my brother, on my Pit Boss.

    Basically, I treated them like brisket until the wrap.  Then I set them in a roasting pan with some beef broth and wrapped the entire pan.  In one pan, we tossed in a jar of pepperoncinis and their juice along with dry Italian dressing herbs.  I accidentally punctured the traditional pan when I was adjusting the probe, so I ended up leaving it wrapped in foil.

    Both roasts turned out really well, and shredded up excellently.  It had a lot of brisket's flavor profile, but wasn't identical.  It was about a 7 hour smoke, and I really thought given how much cheaper chuck roasts are and how high quality of a product it ended up being, that it was a great brisket substitute when you don't feel like investing the time and money but still want a product that's 90% as good.

    This is my go to for shredded beef sammiches and tacos.  I cook essentially the same way you mentioned.  The only difference is in the pan with the broth, I add diced hatch chilis and a rough cut onion.  Cooks in half the time of a brisket for a fraction of the price.


    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. On 5/22/2024 at 8:31 AM, texasdago said:

    Thinking back to last year when it was 100-something or other and I was at BSP with the family... just hanging out, enjoying a midweek evening swim.  Anyway, we're in line for the diving board and we start talking to these two Irish guys who were passing through the city.  The couldn't stop talking about the pool and how much they loved it.  Its really the best... can't visit Austin without going there on a hot summer day.   Nothing like it.  

    Or those psychopaths that polar plunge in it new years day.  Nope.....

  5. 14 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I’ve never understood the love for deep eddy. 

    It's cold.  Not warm soup like most of the smaller pools.  I grew up near Patterson park.  That pool was a piece of work in the summer.  There was a nature preserve place nearby that had summer camps I went to as a kid so we'd cool off in the pool after they hiked us around all day in the heat.  They had this one crow that was "interned" at the camp because it stole everything shiny the swimmers had.  Keys.  Sunglasses.  You name it.  Can you imagine how pissed you'd be if a GD bird stole your car keys!  The bird was either going to be euthanized or kept at the center FT.  I think his name was "Paco"?  

    • Haha 1
  6. 19 hours ago, Felix said:

    To me this highlights one of "AI"s biggest failings.  Will it ever understand parody, satire, sarcasm, etc?  Seems like 90% of the content on the internet is people making funny (to them) comments and absurdities for humor or whatever.  AI in it's current state is just an information collator that doesn't even understand the information it's using.  People say it will get better, but I just don't see it.  It's basically an autistic person with unlimited memory.  It can regurgitate but will never understand enough of the subtlety of human thought and communication to be in any way useful as a tool except in very limited circumstances.

    Or it already does and it's playin' possum with everyone.  

  7. 1 minute ago, Gatorubet said:

    Several decades ago I was at Yellowstone and I watched some moron rip up some long grass into a kind of bouquet and then walk up to an elk with the grass as if he was going to feed it.   The elk lowered his head and started stamping his hooves, and I thought the guy was dead.    I screamed.”STOP! That elk will kill you!!!”.   As the guy turned to look at me and dropped eye contact with the elk, the elk suddenly turned and trotted away.

    The guy’s wife yelled at me for “ruining the picture.”

    Yeah, don't do that.

    I worked after college at an exotic game ranch for a summer.  They had dozens of species and reinforced pipe fences and electric wire for the larger animals.  Under the fence there was a gap about two feet off the ground.  I found out why.  Guy was working in the elk pen and got charged.  Elk rolled him along the ground with his antlers.  Guy escaped under the fence but had to be airlifted to the hospital.  He was busted up pretty bad.  In the wild, he'd have been in trouble.  

    If you've ever hunted elk, many of the bulls have serious injuries from sparring sessions with the boys.  Broken antlers under the skin, large scars, often serious infections and open wounds.  They're a horse we swords on their heads that like to fight.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. I forget the IG thread, but there was one about police and postal feedback to daily encounters.  it's great

    "tried to deliver package.  Bear in the driveway"



  9. 15 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    There's a whole Instagram page of tourists getting fucked up by wild animals in Yellowstone. 

    Oh, I know.  I giggle with glee with every post

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. Anthropomorphic marketing has people confused that many wild animals won't end you.

    • Moose
    • "Teddy" bears
    • and Bison.   How many Yellowstone tourists have to be flipped into the air by bison for people to realize that they are not to be messed with.  
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    so a used car dealership run by a guy named Otto, just happened to employ some people who attempted to acquire the Congo for their own gains.  Almost line for line the script from a simulation show called Mister Robot.  But we don't live inside a simulation?  and in fucking Utah?  And oh yeah, they seat their plan into motion on 5/9.    Is anybody even trying anymore?  This is getting sad at this point.  

    And you thought Hollywood was running out of original ideas...

  12. Just now, Blotto said:

    Dear Blessed,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to extend a very special invitation to you, one that could change your life forever.

    As you may be aware, Nigeria Congo is a country of immense wealth and prosperity, and I am proud to say that I am a prince of this great nation. Recently, I have come into possession of a fortune worth $100,000 $34 Trillion, and I would like to extend an invitation to you to share in this wealth.

    I believe that with your hard work and determination, you have the potential to turn this fortune into something truly great. Whether you want to start a business, invest in property, or simply enjoy a life of luxury, this money is yours for the taking.

    So if you are interested in joining me on this incredible journey, please do not hesitate to reply to this letter. I would be honored to have you by my side as we embark on this new chapter together.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon


  13. 52 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    Just ordered one of these from PSA - just for grins, to supplement my first one that has a shorter barrel. 
    This was a one day sale @ $299.99. 
    They went out of stock about 30 minutes after I completed my order.


    These “toys” are really well made, therefore pricey. 
    They are selling for $440-$520 online….if you can find them in stock. 
    At the bottom is my first one.




    They are FUN.  Friend has one.  Fire it outside at night and report back.  Big ass fireball out the front of that little thing.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 9 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    But our shenanigans are 'cheeky and fun' and Hamas' are tragic and cruel.  Which makes them not really shenanigans at all, more like evil shenanigans.  

    I swear to God, I'm gonna pistol-whip the next guy who says 'cheeky shenanigans!' 

    Hey Achmed, what's that restaurant you like with the falafel sticks and all the goofy martyr shit on the wall?



    • Haha 1
  15. 12 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

    In what world is that meant to intimidate anyone? The dude didn’t ring the doorbell. He didn’t knock on the door. He didn’t vandalize the house. He didn’t confront anyone (Acker didn’t even wake up until over an hour after the visit) or even make any attempt to do so. He didn’t brandish a weapon or leave any threatening messages. 

    If you want to understand why he went to the house at a time when no one was likely to see him and he wore a mask, read the letter. One of the complaints the students have is being persecuted for expressing their pro-Palestinian views. He didn’t wear the mask to be threatening. He did it to remain anonymous. 

    Yall fuckers are running some bizarre post-apocalyptic horror movie in your heads. But this is real life, not the fucking Purge. People come to your door without trying to murder you and your family. Even people who disagree with you. So calm the fuck down and stop being such nancies. It’s embarrassing.

    This is horseshit and you know it.  It was expressly delivered at the house of the regent to send a message.  To rattle him.  At the house where his family sleeps.  The letter wasn't left in the mailbox.  It wasn't mailed anonymously to his office.  It wasn't sent via social media from an anonymous account.  None of that shit happened.  It IS real life, and against the backdrop of other camps leaving fake bodies covered in fake blood on families lawns, it sends the intended message.  

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