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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. Like I said, lot of assumptions here
  2. .308 is a "parent" round. Necked down over the years, you get the 7-08 (my personal favorite), and the venerable .243 30-06 is the parent round for the beforementioned .270 and 25.06 One is a short-action, the '06 line is a long-action. Thing is, there is no perfect round. That's the trap these manufacturers have set for everyone. There is perfect shot placement, and bigger or smaller holes. Most hunting is done <150yds, meaning even lower end hunting rifles will group comparable to much more expensive options. Practice and train on what you have and be as proficient as you can be and have some fun with it. If you want to upgrade later, upgrade your optics - that's where you will see the biggest improvement.
  3. There are a few universal laws known to man: death, taxes, and ones propensity to lose a knife based upon how expensive it was.......
  4. Lot of assumptions of the availability of the gun. Do we know if the father had a safe? Everyone here does know of course how insanely easy they are to get into, right? Kids obviously lives in the cyber world. My guess is he could crack into your phone in minutes (as mine can), yet he can't figure out a keypad safe (most common) that has 4-6 digits?
  5. lol, yeah. So you have to take the firearms industry and zoom out. VERY little has changed in the way of gun manufacturing designs over the last hundred years minus optics and stock designs (carbon fiber, synthetics, etc). The first gas-operated rifle (think AR) was patented back in the 1800's. Bolt-action rifles commonly used for hunting go back even further. So what changes? Calibers. You have this flurry every few years of "new and improved" caliber choices. Creedmoor is all the rage right now. Before that you had the WSM's. Then the Lapua and Weatherby options. The venerable .270 used to called a "wildcat" round when they necked down the 30-06 to make a flatter, faster round. Then they said what the hell, knocked down more and you have the 25-06. 6.5CM is a fine choice, but the round needs to be based upon it's application. Deer/hog hunting. It's great. I'd just make sure you are using the proper hunting ammunition so that flat, fast round expands properly
  6. No offense, but I don't think you are going to really get much more than a superficial understanding from film. India is a vast, ancient, and diverse place. If I were you, I'd start on the region from where the teams are from. The languages they speak. Their relevance to English colonization. Their history. Food is a great place to start. I have a team in India, have visited both Bangalore and Chennai, and we always circle back to food and family. When I am with them, I want them to expose me to "real" regional cuisine. You'll have to wipe your ass with a snow cone after, but it's worth it.
  7. 6.5CM is a great round, but it was made to have a very high ballistic coefficient, not dump all it's energy in hunting applications. It's a long, thin round. .357 hits like a brick. Not great at longer ranges, but as stated, it's a MF'er under 100yds.
  8. Oh, I'd put it MUCH higher. The difference is the breeds are so pussified that "bad" dogs can't do much other than bark and chew on shit in the owners house. Most dogs are socialized, but not much more than that. Almost every dog owner I know, if their dog got off it's leash......gone.
  9. Feral anything can be a problem. Feral cats can decimate ground-nesting birds and small animals. Not great, but not the end of world. We had a herd of feral barn-cats that were cool as hell until the coyotes found them. Gone overnight. More than a dozen of various sizes. Sucked. I had one that always liked to ride on the hay-bales in the wheelbarrow. Every day. Feral dogs on the other hand, which are pack animals, can and do go after livestock. Every rancher I've ever been around will put feral dogs down with EXTREME prejudice once it is determined that they are in fact wild. This.
  10. .357 out of a longer barrel completely changes the caliber. With handloads, you can get close to lower-end 30-30 ballistics. Great, great truck gun option.
  11. So all cats are pussies, but not all pussies are cats?
  12. Problem is you're inside with it. That shit is debilitating. I know some people have advocated for that extended range wasp spray, but it was blind people, so you better have your story straight. I'd just get a big dog. Unless you are being specifically targeted, nobody is breaking into a random house with a big, barking dog on the other side of the door.
  13. You wanna go down a DEEP rabbit hole on YouTube, UK rodent eradication with thermals and repeating air rifles. They merc hundreds on a nightly basis. As for that gun, I'd say it's better than a frying pan, but only two shots?????
  14. Big. Boy. I don't usually get the yips on big deer, but that big toad might be the exception
  15. True. They roam up here feasting off the billions of fat rabbits living off manicured lawns. Sirens set them off and you get a sense for how many there are. Saw one the other day strolling down the middle of the street during elementary school kid drop-off. Zero fucks given.
  16. I don't hate all cats. Actually had a roommate with a pretty cool indoor/outdoor cat that always brought dead shit to the house. So I had some side-piece over one night and she wouldn't leave. We're upstairs, Madden NCAA is staring at me from across the room, and she mentions that she is allergic to cats so we have to kind of stay upstairs. I "have to go to the bathroom".......grab my little furry wingman, rub that shedding little shit all over my shirt.....she's gone in less than 10 minutes! Poor little dude wound up a ball of fur when they moved to Frisco and lived next to a greenbelt. Probably a coyote.
  17. "Heard".....that the ankle attributed to practice was from taking a little drunken tumble down the KA stairs at the frat house......who knows, but makes for a fun story.
  18. Your cat is not awesome. They are little murdering fucks (I can get behind that) that will immediately start to eat you if you die in the house. Every year those little land-sharks kill between a few billions birds and tens of billions of mammals/reptiles. In Australia they are such a problem they hunt them like Texans hunt feral hogs.
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