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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. My wife’s old dog is too much of a dainty cunt to go in the grass so she shits all over the pool decking. This time she had a turd hanging out of her ass and got up on the couch, tracked what looked like green goose shit everywhere. So yeah, fuck that dog…
  2. Pre-64, to be exact. So sayeth the shephard, so sayeth the Surly flock....
  3. When handloads go awry. Somebody didn't measure twice and cut once. He's damn lucky he still has all his fingers. Especially if you choke up on a revolver the way you can with a semi, get your fingers further up and too close to the cylinder.
  4. Been there for work. Bangalore and Chennai. It's equal parts opulence and abject poverty. They still have an under-employment problem in many parts. Our facilities are nice, and the hotel was as nice as I've ever stayed in. 5-star all around, then you get into the city.... I can say Vietnam was worse in terms of poverty, but couldn't touch the amount of pollution and trash. And fuck that flight unless you are in premier first class with a pod/cabin with a bed and endless alcohol.
  5. Where the hell was mom? And mom, FYI - please eat these people....
  6. Let's back up - where the fuck do you get a monkey?
  7. FAFO.....he'd be breathing through a straw as I'd beat him within and inch of his GD, worthless fucking life. How he got so close in the first place is on the dad. He already approached once. Then came back and lunged after the little girl. Nope. Nope. Nope. As for the highlighted part. Will they prosecute?
  8. Reminds me of a great doc on Netflix called "Muster Dogs". It's a challenge-doc for five ranchers to turn Aussie Kelpie pups into champion muster dogs over a year (I think). Those ranches are so isolated and technology and resources are so scarce, the muster dogs are absolutely critical to many ranchers to help move and control their herds.
  9. Sounds like a very good way to get an injection of vitamin lead....upper class kids of prominent community members being complete cock-bags? Umpossible....put those little murdering fucks in a Fed Pen with gen-pop and "leak" that they murdered kids.
  10. This. I also want to add for premies in the NICU, there is NOTHING on this planet that will help a newborn's chances of survival be higher than colostrum (sp?) and boobie milk. Pop's did some consulting with the Austin milk bank years back. It's liquid gold for those little guys. If your fun bags are overflowing, please consider contacting them and donating what you can. This was many moons ago, but there was always a shortage.
  11. Heading up to meet the coaches as KU this weekend. I get it. "Dad" has morphed into professional driver, chef, travel agent, and most importantly - sports psychologist.
  12. Wife was like that with my son. She pumped instead and supplement with formula as we slowly transitioned off as the kid got older. Now the only one who sucks on them is me, but I usually have to buy a major appliance or clean the house first
  13. Always found them interesting. They are supposed to have polygonal rifling to improve accuracy/performance. Look forward to feedback
  14. Working on those S.Texas racing stripes I see. Noice.
  15. Terrorizing a neighborhood for years with a chainsaw. I'm sure he's going to be right as rain when he gets out
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