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BabaYaga last won the day on March 17 2022

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  1. 365 is small. Give it a try, but I wish I'd gone with the 365XL. Both are ridiculously easy to carry/conceal.
  2. I can see that - I guess it depends upon the situation and the temerity of the bear. If I'm clearing my holster around a charging bear, I want the biggest amount of kinetic energy and penetration I can have as well as the ability if needed to reload quickly. Seems on paper a Glock 20 would fit that bill nicely. Reliable. Lighter than a metal frame option. 15+1 capacity.
  3. This. Almost all factory 10mm is watered down outside of a few options. As a kid I always wanted a "Bren Ten" when reading the Shooters Bible.
  4. This is the first time a debate was held prior to the conventions. And now we know why.
  5. Did you ask him how excited he was about Fran leaving Alabama? Ask him how he felt with Fran talked players into staying, knowing sanctions were looming or how he left without even taking the time to address the team. This narrative about "the timing" or side deals is part of the game, and if the roles were reversed they'd be over the damn moon.
  6. BWWWAHHAAAAA Name me a poached coach that didn't at least attempt to bring part of their current coaching staff and players with them! And if they are poached, then they are being paid "on the dime" of the current school. Ags puffed their chests when they "stole" Jimbo. When they "stole" Elko. The list goes on. The butthurt is strong here
  7. Ask any Tech fan about the "classy" aggie fanbase. They have a massive problem with not being top dog and will tit and moan about it incessantly.
  8. Start swinging that frickin chain at the wrong person. Good way to get the air let out of you.
  9. It's a carry over from the "Junction Boys" mentality. The same "boys" got the absolute crap beat out of them that next season because they were so depleted. Back in the day smaller, thinner kids could operate better in the heat. Now that HS kids are the size of NFL players, not so much.
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