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  1. I heard "the AI is bailing you out" "that was pass interference"
  2. My nephew was talking smack. So much joy beating him
  3. Their validation tool had a bug in it. That's gold
  4. He's pulling the players back. If it wasn't staged I would be selling my PS5 back to game stop for a penny in store credit. That would set the rage meter to a billion
  5. Ric Flair has a nice clip move. That's what he's the dirtiest player in the game.
  6. Yep. That's what I do on a safety blitz on Burke's side. Push him out wide. Speed rush to make the lineman commit so the safety has a free gap to the QB.
  7. Yeah. We get told if you can't finish it before Friday, push it to Monday.
  8. I started blitzing instead of running a cover 3. I play Burke as my edge too. The guy on the otherside trey moore ended up winning the Heisman
  9. I think there is some Harvey hubris too. We all said oh wow. Look at awesome we are helping each other. I remember saying it back then. We got lucky we didn't lose power because we would be acting a bit different. Beryl showed it us how much it sucks to lose power and have it be 105 degrees for the week.
  10. I think part of it is QA and the other part is devs are a bunch of whiney ass bitches. Anytime there is new implementation to prevent stuff like this from happening. They complain about the burden it puts on them and how their boss doesn't know shit and they should be the ones approving the code any ways.
  11. I think he expected to be caught and not get as far as he got. He didn't expect to get a blow hole.
  12. I think the 3 musketeers have already told this story.
  13. His ear will be buried with full military honors next to Benedict Arnold's leg
  14. Yeah. It makes sense. Just saw the counter sniper video. Trained shooter vs untrained shooter
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