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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. Get fucked. How the hell does your partisan, broken brain, make this leap? OK, let's unpack this for the last time. The shooter in question in the post was alleged to be some Nazi fuck, and others were calling him a lefty. Everyone was trying to determine the shooters’ identity and affiliation. It was either Reddit or Texags or something but a link was posted confirming he was in fact a sympathizer. So I posted it. It was later verified to be accurate. The confirmation was prefaced that I don’t know anything about the site nor was I advocating for this site but here it is and yes, the dude’s a dirtbag. Full stop.
  2. and 100% of them not on mommy/daddy's silver spoon would take scholarship monies if offered that had investments in sed "evil corporations". They're just dumb kids. rant all you want, it's this escalatory shit that moves the needle - and not in their favor.
  3. Don't make ad hominem attacks. What happens, get an ad hominem attack. Never change CR'ers....
  4. They can post all they want where they want. It's all the tried/true CR ad hominem attacks on posters, sources, and links that turn most threads into piles of giant shit.
  5. This. The anger and outreach is organic, this violent escalatory shit doesn't seem to be. Most certainly there are bad actors embedded in these from all aspects of the political spectrum. I'm looking at you Lisa Fithian...
  6. YEAH! What is this, the CR? Behave yourselves you bunch of whiny cunts.
  7. This is DT, leave the CR out of this.....
  8. lol. Get. A. Job! You bring nothing to the table outside of esoteric and theoretical opinions. We have a kid going to Annapolis in my son's friend group. Not only is the curriculum as hard if not harder than most any other school, the upperclassmen smoke the shit out of you on a daily basis.
  9. Nah, lock the doors and throw a dozen pissed off skunks in there
  10. "You're not going anywhere western DOG!" "Uhhhh, you all smell like a wet lab rolled in patchouli oil, have never done a day's work in your life, and are probably all vegan. Go fuck yourselves" "Now what do we do?" Settle down Dalton.....;)
  11. Did I see they have a "hostage"? facilities manager?
  12. Our little coddled Marxist might want to read up on the term useful idiot.
  13. Posted on the other protest thread, but applicable: eco-warriors in Germany stormed a Porsche plant and glued their hands to the floor. In the perfect form, the workers just ignored them, finished their shifts, went home, and turned off the lights; leaving these idiots alone in the dark, glued to the floor. The stranded ones managed to call the police who had to bring in fire and medical teams because hands were swelling and being impacted by the glue. The eco-warriors then tried to sue Porsche for their inhumane treatment of being ignored and left in the dark. Weapons grade strategery right there...
  14. How do they enforce this? Arrest and extricate mask wearers? Good luck
  15. huh? As in active IDF military takes time to rotate across the ocean to work with Texas LEOs? Or maybe retired military do training classes paid for and sponsored by municipalities like they do with retired SEALS, SF, etc?
  16. It's hot and humid. Who is getting in a tent vs a canopy/shade? It's clear why the rule was implemented. There have been tent cities all over the city and for a school trying to attract the best & brightest, it's not the best look for visiting students vs a hypothetical about shoes and rocky ground.
  17. Begs the obvious question who are they and releasing their identities....which I doubt happens as no charges have been filed
  18. Meh, sort of. Entrapment is a thing. Stating you are going to so some salty shit will get knocks on your door by agencies you do not want knocking on your door
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