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Everything posted by TexasRenegade

  1. I don't doubt that, but it seems like a weird play for Michigan on a recruitment they weren't getting anywhere with. Who knows maybe they're just that desperate at safety.
  2. I know "new shit can come to light" and all that, but everything out there is JJR to Texas and it's not even close.... Maybe he goes Michigan, no idea but that would be weird coming out of last weekend and everything predicting Texas. Heck the michigan recruiting coverage was basically waving the white flag on JJR before his visit here.
  3. Not to argue with you, and I don't know anything about Tech to do so.....but that all kind of sounds on message for the kind of idiocy McGuire likes to promote.....
  4. Don't go aggie on us and start calling it the Little Big 12.....
  5. I figured that on the evaluators moving up into other roles. Just the dweebs that seem to cover recruiting outside of Gerry just leave me shocked. Also while I can't blame them for having a stigma about rating Texas players highly, then again they are also the idiots that went along with Tyler Owen's being a 5 star....
  6. I would also argue the recruiting services are worse on their evals/rankings. I don't know if it's sheer volume, emphasis placed on camps, laziness, the number of jock sniffing dorks that know Jack about football anyway, or the stupid arbitrary manner some of them spread their rankings out to make sure there are good players in all states. Are there fewer under the radar diamonds in the rough? Sure. But I don't think the Evals by the services are as good as they initially were 15-20 years ago.
  7. I love the 12man foundation isn't associated with the university stuff. I just don't know how much scrutiny that would Bear up to. -The building is on university property. -They are the primary(maybe only) direct source for aggie sporting event tickets. -They are directly associated in so many ways its ridiculous. The paperwork may say independent organization, but they certainly don't operate in that manner.
  8. Yeah...married...she ain't marrying no one on the surl....
  9. Why is that a factor though? 99% of surliers wouldn't get the time of day from Kendra Scott....then the 1% that she would give the time of day to would totally have blown it after her 45 seconds in heaven experience with them. You ain't getting any child support for sleeping with her? That 500 mill is inconsequential to the process.
  10. Ok WilliamFromLakeTravis I'll allow she's plenty hot and in my single years I'd of been more than willing. But I ain't leaving my wife and kids for nobody.
  11. You know good and well McGuire is going to blast all over creation that he took a player from Texas....you know just like the Big 12 runs through Lubbock.
  12. Well this is awfully disappointing for a site crash......
  13. The pitchfork and torches were on the move to give sharp and company cover. Bjork didn't know squat but Sharp did. The fact that Bjork was the front man on A&Ms response tells me that. For all I know the leak to Zwinnerman came from Sharp. Sharp is perfectly capable of throwing public hissy fits. The fact that he kept his mouth shut and let Bjork be the face of it tells me he knew.
  14. No TFS is under A&M as part of the Extension Program umbrella and it's why A&M is technically responsible for all disaster response in the state sense 2012 budget cuts when the legislature basically eliminated funding for TFS as and entity and rolled them into the Extension/engineering/and research programs. Technically it's name is now Texas A&M Forest Service.
  15. Well texas forest service is literally an entity of the A&M system through thr extension system so...
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