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Posts posted by Hanrahan

  1. 11 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    You will never convince me that it is not on purpose. Ever. They have some type of remorse and want to stage this "accident" and see if it flys. It's an epidemic now and I don't buy any of it, nor do a lot of people. Very convenient how they never "forget" them in the cooler months. How can you take a child to a location and get out of your car and walk in this location for sometimes a few hours and not even think about your child? Fucking ridiculous. Spare me the defenses they give or what some lawyer might concoct. No one forgets a child of theirs in a car for any amount of time.

    Not a parent, I see.  I never left either of my kids in the car on accident, but I could see how it can happen.

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  2. Cycling is a constant doping scam. Lance did it better and more ruthlessly than anyone else. And he won more than anyone else. I don’t hold it against him. All those motherfuckers were doping to win. They don’t deserve sympathy because they weren’t treated fairly by Lance in their efforts to cheat.

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