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Posts posted by JFKFC

  1. I'm sick of the doom and gloom. I'm here for the optimism. I'll lead the way.


    I think we catch some breaks against Tech. The ball will bounce our way. The home crowd will really inspire the boys. If everything comes together, just maybe, our loss to Tech will barely be by double-digits. 

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    • Haha 1
  2. Every year, I tell myself, "This is the year I don't drink during the ou game." This year, I'm using reverse psychology on myself, and I've already bought my pre-pregame 6-pack of dark beer, my pregame rum and my in-game whiskey. I've also got some Royal Madre sativa to chill my out during commercial breaks. I've even got a couple of bumps of you know what ready if an emergency comes up. And some blubirds. So I think it is a safe but I will be drug and alcohol free for this game. Finally.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, utee94 said:

    Wow, what happened to all of the hot Dallas chicks that were too dumb to go to Texas and went to ousux to become their cheerleaders?  Apparently their pipeline to Texas talent has dried up and they're having to recruit the Midwest, now...


    You can criticize those husky Midwest girls all you want, but when the famine comes, they'll outlive those thin Dallas debutants by at least 5 weeks.

    • Haha 4
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