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Posts posted by JFKFC

  1. I'll be drunk before Corso puts on the head gear. I'll be slobberkonckered and naked at kickoff. Win or lose, I likely won't survive this game. 

    If I don't post by Sunday 9pm, I've died. Will someone please go to Downtown Houston and delete the porn off my work computer before anyone in my family hears about it? Thanks in advance. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 4
  2. 14 minutes ago, HornsUpInNE said:

    I created an account just to let y'all know about this important piece of information.

    Per his Instagram, Bru has broken up with the very girlfriend that brought him back to SoCal. 

    It may remain undefeated, but Bru's taking an L anyway. 

    I don't Instagram, but is there some way to post a link to Instagram where he actually says this? 

  3. 3 hours ago, futureman said:

    I’m being serious.  it’s been almost a week since we got a commit and it’s still a light class but everyone seems to want to rest on their laurels and talk about how good we are.  I want winners.  sorry for having laser-focus on what matters.  

    I have laurels?

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