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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by HornPhD

  1. My wife and I (plus kids, ages 9 and 12 next year) are planning on taking my parents to France next year (except to Canada and Mexico, they've never been outside the US). Right now, we're planning on 3-4 full days in Paris before heading to Bayeux to tour the D-Day sites for 2-3 days. 

    The question is where to go next? Going back to Paris would allow us to not rush the first part of the trip; however, I'd love to visit Munich (1 day train ride). We could also go to London and visit one of our nieces. Any advice is appreciated.


  2. 8 hours ago, RPM said:

    Will do. Gonna slam Lotus of Siam Friday night. There used to be a cheap shrimp cocktail around 4Q too. Going full Homer on that. I may not shit right for a week.

    My wife and I were at the new Lotus of Siam location a couple of weeks ago. Didn't have a reservation; however, there was seating available in the bar area. 

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, RPM said:

    Booked 5 nights at 4 Queens starting 8/29. Airfare cost more than the room, but at least it's nonstop on American. First time staying downtown, but I'm gonna take @TXSooner518 advice about their poker tourney. I think everybody needs to stay OG Vegas at least once.

    Check out Hugo's Cellar (steakhouse in the 4 Queens)

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, bolverk said:

    There may well be some ground that we could agree on in terms of factual occurrences, but I highly doubt that we'd come to the same conclusions vis-a-vis logical and lawful consequences.

    "and essentially no obstruction"

  5. I've been a stand-up fan since I was a kid listening to Steve Martin and Robin Williams (albums not CDs). I loved it when Comedy Central first started and the only thing they showed were stand-up segments. When I'm sober (currently sitting in a diner in Vegas eating wings and trying to finish my double Jameson), I'll post some of my favorites.


  6. 3 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    I fucking love this President. My 2 faves during my lifetime are Trump and Nixon. They share a lot of similarities and were besieged by the same groups of assholes. No I’m not trolling. Y’all, the leftist political class and the liberal MSM don’t get his fucking appeal. Keep wacking off to this bullshit, the polls say that the majority are sick and tired of this bullshit. Who the fuck expects the leader of the free world to be truthful? I don’t nor do I want them to be truthful in negotiations with assholes like Rocketman. The only caveat is with respect to keeping his campaign promises which he has steadfastly attempted to do.

    Nixon was sharp as fuck. He realigned the political calculus with the game changing Southern Strategy and by tapping into and nurturing what he dubbed the “silent majority”. There are so many similar ways that Trump can tap into similar grievances. I liked what I read recently from the Claremont Institute in declaring war on multiculturalism and promote what they call “Americanism”.


    Personally, I would run images and video of America-hating Ilhan Omar and contrast that with images of people going to church, playing softball, etc. We already as a nation failed by having her fucking get elected. She needs to be made an example of so others like her don’t run in the future. Don’t expect me to respond, I am going to be watching the Rockets game. It was bullshit that I got suspended for 6 days when SoonerChiDoc faget was the one who first told me that he’d cave my boyfriend’s head completely unprovoked. Even though he is a Sooner, he pleases the cabal by thinking like them. All I did as defend myself. My weapon of choice  would have been one of those deep dish pizza pans which they use to make the disgusting glop known as Chicago style pizza, which is by far and away the worst variety of pizza in the world and is an affront and sacrilege to real pizza aficionados like myself.


    Fuck you


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  7. 2 hours ago, Mr. Drummond said:

    i did an Alaska cruise last year.   Went with a group of friends.   Went on bad ass excursions that i found - helicopter rides landing on glaciers.   Drank a lot.   was fun. 

    I thought the passengers where pretty upscale, although old - after 9pm the ship was all ours.  


    Im sure the quick ones out of galveston are quite a bit different. 

    We did the Alaska cruise when our kids were 3 and almost 1 (MIL loves cruises). It was fun; however, we didn't get to do any of the cool excursions. Now that the kids are 11 and 8, I'd do that cruise again. 

  8. 10 hours ago, Js1 said:

    It was never easier to hit the 15 without even trying when you're on a boat and don't need to drive anywhere.

    2 mimosas at breakfast - 2

    2 frozen drinks by the pool - 4

    Drink with lunch - 5

    2 mid-day drinks by the pool or lounging on the deck - 7

    2 glasses of wine or cocktails at dinner - 9

    After dinner shot at the bar - 10

    3 while gambling or taking in a show - 13

    2 night caps - 15

    The only time we didn't hit 15 was on shore days.  Then it was like, 8 or 9.   I think it was something like at $8/drink, you only needed to hit 7 to break even for the day.  Anything above that and you're robbing them. 

    One shot? 

  9. 1 hour ago, TtomTerrific said:

    not what I said. 

    Of course Obama's, Holder's and Lynch's Justice Department "investigated" Hillary...they allowed for the destruction of evidence, wholesale, obstructing both hers and Lerner's "investigations" ....there is NO WAY that anyone in that administration would have appointed a "special prosecutor" to look into any of this, Holder ignored Congressional subpoena completely and you were right here applauding all of it and calling those who didn't approve racists.

    How many investigations of Hillary Clinton were conducted by Congress during Trump's 1st two years? You know, when the Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress.

  10. 4 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i think the general criticism (from those who criticized it) was that it was basically a "heart-warming story about a schlubby white guy coming around on his racism."  forget the fact that it was a period piece, i think some didn't love that it pointed out what, nowadays, is a fairly obvious lesson - judging book by its cover, etc - and that this angle can come off as patronizing.

    obviously it was written from the perspective of the guy (by his son) so i don't know what people were expecting.

    (i haven't visited this thread in a while, so what i posted may already be up-thread someplace)

    I just found that the white guy in the movie ended up playing Carmine Lupertazzi in The Sopranos

  11. 2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    George who? The name George tickles some memory from elementary school, but I can't quite recall the details. Who was he again?

    George Jefferson

  12. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    There was a MAGA hat-wearing old dude in our neighborhood in Oakland today. He was standing in/on the median waving at cars. He definitely chose the right area of Oakland to do this as we have an abundance of over 50 hippies. It would have been a different outcome if he posted up in West Oakland or down by 77th-90th Avenues.

  13. We usually stay downtown at The Westin (off Broadway). It has an outdoor pool (with food and beverage service), is walking distance to the USS Midway and Little Italy, and is a block away from a brewpub. Also, it's on the metro line so you can get to a Padres game without walking much. Zoo is an Uber ride away if you don't have a rental. If you go to the zoo, go early. Same with Midway (and make sure you do the guided island tour).

  14. 20 hours ago, ernest_t_bass said:

    Officially booked.  Now time to wait 11 months...


    Tulemar is a great choice. As another poster said, just hanging at the beach every morning is a cool experience. 

    If he's still there, David (runs the beach hut at Tulemar) is a big Longhorns fan.



  15. The boyfriend of my wife's sister is a QAnon follower and a 9/11 truther. While visiting the 9/11 Memorial last month, he started telling my kids that the towers fell via demolition. I pulled them away before he could finish his statement. And the sister still thinks we don't visit much anymore just because he's Trump supporter.

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  16. On 3/16/2019 at 9:14 PM, Butch Had Not said:

    Maui tickets were $318 round  trip out of phoenix yesterday for August.  Convincing the non impulsive wife to commit to it is a different story. 

    Damn. That's a difficult price to turn down. Even more so if you have kids.

  17. 56 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I didn’t vote for Trump.  I regret that now and will to my dying day.  I will be voting for him in 2018.  I think he’s overall doing an outstanding job running the country both on foreign policy and domestically.  Despite having democrats and media — both who have gone off the reservation so far left to the point Bill Clinton wouldn’t make it to Super Tuesday — going all in against him.  This Russia hoax is exhibit A.  

    What exactly has he done that would be considered outstanding? Is there anything he has done with which you disagree?

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