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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. You are thinking it, I am thinking it: eat a dick you fat, fucking retard
  2. That targeting call, while it may be correct, is bs
  3. Does Frost even make it back to the hotel, let alone tge US, without getting fired?
  4. Trying to read the room, overall, how are we feeling?? Drunk the Kool aid and we will bring back another national championship or lucky with another 5 wins?
  5. It's so hit and miss and I still haven't decided if I like bringing in Bear and his bit
  6. Just wanted to say what's up fuckers and football season is finally upon us
  7. Not to nit pick but I counted 9. I hate to say it but they had to accidentally kill a kid. I now work in public safety and some things that are invioable: Reduce or remove the threat immediately IC (Incident Commander) not good enough? Fire his or her ass Breach with whatever you have on hand (someone mentioned a patrol car, that's what they are there for and why every LE has extras. Use the fucker as a breaching tool) There is a reason why everyone has a tourniquet on them nowadays. Prep it before going through the door for self aid, know you are going to get shot saving KIDS' fucking lives!!! I am disgusted by these no balls shit bags
  8. As a retired Army dude, I have a hard time wrapping my head around knowing its dangerous and saying "nah, let's wait a bit". As I like to say, everyone wants to be gangster until its time to do gangster shit. This part is insane to me: "Thinking he was the first officer to arrive and wanting to waste no time, Arredondo believed that carrying the radios would slow him down. One had a whiplike antenna that would hit him as he ran. The other had a clip that Arredondo knew would cause it to fall off his tactical belt during a long run." In Uncle Sugar's Army, when you had something that hindered your movement, you fixed it, especially equipment that you need. And a radio is something I am pretty sure you would need. But what do I know?
  9. What can he do? Send another young man to the mound to get his entire soul and self confidence crushed?
  10. I gotta say these games are rolling over to the next one pretty well today. Hopefully nothing as cringey as asking Bama to put their sticker on the bracket
  11. I understand your point but he was an asshole. If you win, then you can be an asshole. But if you don't back it up then you are just an asshole. I never was sold on him like I am on Sark. Sark is making some good moves on the off-season that TH wouldn't or couldn't be bothered with because "you just don't sprinkle fair dust" on things and be better.
  12. I am calling a win for UU but bad call to not take the FG. Coach doesn't believe his D can stop OSU
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