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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. Because his attitude, the way he treated players and staff, his perceived disdain for the fans, his inability to win the B12, his I love you kisses to his players, his arrogance, his always thinking he is the smartest guy in the room, his inability to recruit, his mismanagement of his roster, his poor decision making during critical moments, his collapse under pressure
  2. I sure do! I went and only saw the backend but some Ute went after Sam either after the whistle or after a tackle
  3. Unlike fuck stuck Herman who would've played Turtle ball. Guy still pisses me off
  4. Was it a Utah LB (I keep thinking it may have been a TE) that was running his mouth to Sam during the highly respected Alamo Bowl? Tried to bull dog Sam?
  5. I have from reliable sources that neither OSU or aTm wanted to be there......
  6. Domers are going to score and convert the onside aren't they?
  7. That's all the arm that guy has to be accurate.
  8. But the media love they get will keep them around. The "football is always better when ND is involved" crap
  9. That's saying something when Quinn is mentioned.
  10. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. Shouldn't even been in the position to have to win in OT. Embarrassing
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