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  1. After giving blood, I hinted about the blanket or whatever I was to receive for donating. The lady replied that my wife took that stuff, and I later noticed 2 $10 coupons for Rudy's BBQ. I just took a look at their online menu.....and the outrageous pricing. I think I will solve this by ordering 1/3 pound of brisket for $8.68 + tax. I guess that is 3 slices of brisket. I wonder if they even throw in onions or pickles or anything, probably not. I guess you can tell by now I haven't paid for brisket in about 4 years. My brother-in-law is a competition brisket smoker, and I wrote a ridiculously high check for an entire brisket: smoked, sliced, and sealed very well 4 years ago. My wife brought it up to Alaska and we had about 4 brisket meals.
  2. One at a time. It is obvious to me why, after experiencing the place. This is a very large dining room, reminded me of Luby's. Property taxes and all other kinds of overhead are way too expensive to stay open. Probably all be gone in 18 months or less.
  3. Went to give blood with the old lady late this morning, at the HEB on 1604 and Bandera. On the way saw a tour of retro places to eat. Luby's, Jim's, and Taco Cabana all within shouting distance of each other. I realized a while back Jim's is closing and I have never eaten there, so I suggested Jim's after blood draw, and it was absolutely acceptable. I picked three favorites from my time at Luby's in the 90s, Beef Liver and onions, Mac, and fried okra. Food hot, acceptably seasoned, nice meal. The old lady picked a senior omelette. Price was acceptable for me, after tip, $28. The bad news came after the meal, when I went to the bathroom. Urinal did not flush, Tragedy by Bee Gees was most appropriately playing, and I soon discovered why. Cockroach in the bathroom. There is a reason Jim's are closing.
  4. Haven't read thread. Do we simply hire the winner of tonight's game?
  5. how about some Mexican grocery store recommendations?
  6. ...and I am back in Texas for good....living in San Antonio with the wife now, for a whole 3 days with only one big screaming fit by her, par for the course. I arrived at 5:00 p.m. Sunday. The trip back was a total 100% beating unlike any other. First because Bering Air and Alaska Airlines stubbornly refused to adjust their flight schedules, I had to leave on the morning flight from Selawik on Saturday, 10:20 a.m. and then had the distinct pleasure of spending the entire day in Kotzebue before boarding the evening flight to Anchorage. Boring, but snoozing, and also coughing. I was that old guy on the next three flights who coughed the entire way, with a very large package of Riccola throat lozenges in my lap. The last flight from Seattle to San Antonio changed gates at least 3 times, and "San Antonio" finally appeared on the board about 30 minutes before boarding. Thanks a lot Alaska Airlines...you suck. I had my backpack filled with plenty of snacks and I reserved the signature cheese and fruit plate for the Seattle to San Antonio flight, but didn't purchase, because I felt so bad. That is a historic one for me. I am normally a very good eater. Tomorrow should be a good day. Go into Northside ISD to sign contract etc. and try not break the camera. Went to an unknown barber shop Tuesday and wow! 26$ and it took forever! I am most likely sticking to cutting my own hair from now on. I did earn my homecoming present I gave myself. When I found out in October that the state of Alaska was going to require future elementary teachers take a class to earn a reading endorsement, and that course was free, I quickly signed up and took the course with my 73 year old colleague. Course was quite demanding by Alaska standards, requiring us to spend at least 50 hours on the course. We took the final exam in March during spring break, and then the bureaucratic fun began, because I wanted to leave Alaska with the reading endorsement. I came close. Many detailed emails and thoughts exchanged and as of yesterday I am one of the first teachers in Alaska to own this reading endorsement.
  7. Not sure Xander can make it in to tie. BDC might win without playoff.
  8. Agree with above...looking for the best score among the top ten to be 67.
  9. Lowry! Lowry for a 62?
  10. playoffs! Rory and Shane just finished, and the unknowns have been finished for 3 hours!
  11. vehicle is always locked. Wife says she has had a few boxes stolen by porch pirates.
  12. so are we really not going to get to any rate cut this year?
  13. oops, all 4 occupants in the house.
  14. Wapo Taco will be the destination between now and Wednesday. I am here for a week's worth of doctor visits. I knocked out two today. This is my last visit from Alaska. I am moving here(SA) permanently on May 26. Gotta give the old lady some super credit....The apartment complex she picked is old(favors me, cuz I don't like huge increases in rent), and location, location, location....walk 2 blocks to some of the best Tex-Mex-Datapoint Tacqueira- I have ever eaten. Within 12 miles of this apt., there are 14 Elementary schools in Northside ISD, which means plenty of Elementary SPED teaching jobs, so I got a teaching job exactly where I wanted... I get to walk to work for year #7 in a row...yea!! I just paid off our 2022 car in Oct. 2023, so I do not have to buy a car. The old lady works the night shift and gets home at about 6:30 a.m. so if for some reason I need a car, it is there. The reviews and pictures of Wapo look good enough I just might take some of that with me on the airplanes. My last trip back to Alaska is pretty good as well. I start off flying first class on AA from SA to Phoenix, then a regular seat on Alaska from Phoenix to Anchorage, and next is First class on Alaska from Anchorage to Kotzebue. Finally, the little 30 minute trip from Kotzebue to Selawik. Knocking on wood, this is the only year of the three years in Selawik there has not been a disaster....year one a fire killed all occupants, year two the principal's husband "allegedly" murdered a local man, and that principal and family exited Alaska faster than a speeding bullet. This year nothing! yea! so far....last working day for teachers is May 24.
  15. Well, we sure had the Texas connection with SS shooting a birdie on Verne's last call, Verne working in Dallas for many years and Nantz going to school in Houston.
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