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Jack Burton

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Posts posted by Jack Burton

  1. 21 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    No, we created infrastructure. We created a rolodex and relationships. The  process has been learned....it has been figured out. Texas will turn purple and then blue very soon. You are obsolete, but that is okay. Just take care of your ranch land and protect it and I'll call it even.

    He doesn't have ranchland. The O'Connors have that in South Texas. He's getting none of that.

  2. The Southern Strategy was not taught to Cloak Room conservatives. Every time it is brought up, it's fucking crickets.

    "Lincoln was a Republican!" As they wave their Confederate flag and speak of his support for states rights.

    • Like 1
  3. Fucking retards. No analysis, just fucking retards.  The coaches. And most of the players. Neg away


    We've been in the big 12 20 fucking years and still do 3 man d fronts when they have 2 back formations. Fuck the fuck off.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Aphelion said:

    I wish it were true that our politicians were men and women of strong principles and followed these ideals in Kantian fashion and that our children could look up to them as role models.  That has not ever been the case and it never will be.  People who aspire to be presidents and kings and rulers of nations are utilitarian narcissists driven primary by ego.  Some are better than hiding it than others.  That is the only difference.  Obama would order the bombing of 10,000 school children if that is what it took to be president and sleep like a baby that night.  So would GWB, Reagan, Nixon, FDR, and all the others.  If you put Beto in a room and told him in order to be senator all he had to do was jam a screw driver into your eye socket and no one would ever know, you would be blind before you even knew what was going on while he walked out the door and gave a emphatic, head bobbling speech and would follow it by kissing babies in the crowd.  So would Cruz.  I don't know what world you all think we live in, but these people are narcissistic sociopaths.      

    Shut up

    • Fuck You 1
  5. You guys minimalizing the inspiration Obama gave to the black community are faggots. But not in a derogatory way to the gay community, moreso an alternative to the word dickhead

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    • Fuck You 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, Texas73 said:

    My Republican friends actually believe that grown straight men will dress up as women to go into women's restrooms and rape them if trans are allowed to pee in the restroom of their gender.

    And they will all be Republicans who do it. To own the libs of course

  7. Just now, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    That's why I prefaced "in my opinion", because your opinion differs. At the end of the day, being pro-choice is being pro-killing babies to a large swath of faithful people, whether you choose to believe that or not (or choose to accept it as valid and legitimate belief or not).

    When God makes miscarriages happen is he pro-killing babies?

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