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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bluto

  1. 30 minutes ago, thestud said:

    Might have had the worst smoked turkey breast I’ve ever had today at Heim. Couldn’t even be offset by the $8/oz pours of Elmer T Lee.

    If I'm doing BBQ in FW it's that trailer where heim originated. I've learned my lesson with heim

  2. 29 minutes ago, TheFlyingBoat said:

    I actually really like this idea. Tear down/begin renovations on the Cotton Bowl the day after Texas beats OU in 2021 and build hard and fast to complete 3 years in 2024. From then on we hold it in the Cotton Bowl until the 200th anniversary where we'll do renovations again.

    Why the living fuck would you want to tear down one of the few truly great football stadiums we have left in this country? 

  3. 11 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    wanna be really entertained?  Ask pretty much any woman under 35 how the address of the very spot they're currently standing was originated.


      Reveal hidden contents

    Most common answer given:  Because GPS says so


    I'm mid 30s male with a geography degree and don't even know wtf you're trying to ask 

    • Like 6
  4. i THINK we're a better team this year, the OL certainly looks at least a notch or two better this year so far (most importantly IMO). With that said, I don't think TCU is better than last year and Tx actually hung with them pretty damn well despite having virtually zero consistent offensive threat. It ended up being a 17 point game. I'm feeling not so bad about this one with it in Austin, them coming off a damn physical loss and Robinson still being very green. Turpin and Raegor 'scare me to death' but I've come around from assuming blowout to coin toss

    • Like 1
  5. if you're staying near the Austin Hilton on red river there's a city parking garage next door. If you are there multiple nights and don't need your car just leave it in the city garage and pay the lost ticket fee of $38 (that's what I did when Hilton was charging $30/night for self park and $40 for valet). 


    That Hilton has one of the best hotel workout facilities I've ever seen too. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Jack Straw said:

    When I get real rich, the first thing I am going to buy myself is a commercial oven that has a dedicated warming drawer that will be stocked with fresh, homemade fried okra, 24/7/365.

    Great idea in theory... but you soon realize okra 'slime' is a natural laxative after a binge. 

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