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Posts posted by Txzen

  1. It wasn't terrible, but from my point of view was a pretty flat and perfunctory flick, whose main purpose seemed to just string a plot together to explain all the Solo 'quirks' and backstories from the original series. Some of it was pretty tiring, and felt like I was being hit over the head with the symbolism - did you see the dice? See them now? Again? Did you see her hand him the dice? Sheesh. 

    The second part of the move finally felt like it was coming together, both with plot and with the charisma between the characters. Alden's line reading was just very flat for the most part, and it seemed like there were a lot of interesting stories left unexplored. 

    Living up to Harrison Ford's Solo is hard, no doubt. And frankly, part of his character's appeal was always that we didn't really know him or his motivations. It's perhaps hard for him to carry as the star of the show, particularly with the safe, brand-protecting story from Kasdan.

    I had thought that Lord and Miller had been booted off mid-shooting, but have since been told by a friend in the business that they didn't survive the first week of shooting. Makes you wonder what it was they were going for which was so far removed from the vision of Kasdan and Kennedy.

  2. Of course you are right - donkey into race horse. Dirty dirty.

    To continue to threadshit the 'I hate Chris Froome' post with race talk, I've finally been able to watch the Finestre climb (thank you Cycletorrents). Domoulin really looked great, and it's a shame he won't walk away with the overall. Not sure what happened to Yates - he really didn't last more than a few K before being shelled, and to lose 8 min on one climb suggests more than just being a little off the pace. Wonder if he is battling some illness. He's young, and I'm sure we'll see more of him.

    I unapologetically state my man crush on LL Sanchez - dude looks beautiful on the bike with perfect form.

    There's a sick part of me that want to do the Finestre some day, though I'm sure I won't be turning 300W on wet sticky dirt like these guys. I have one small taste of a road like that on the Col Spandelles (before the Aubisque). On paper it didn't look bad but it ended up being a glorified tractor path with sections of gravel at 9-10+ percent. I clawed my way up. Hardest day on the bike I've ever had.

  3. Was in the same boat and was able to do this as others suggested - you have plenty of time (if you live near a Passport Center) to make an appointment and walk out the same day with your new passport. 

    Have also used the agencies in the past and yes, they work very well, but the cost is not worth it given how much time you have, unless you simply can't find a few hours from a day to be there in person.

  4. Meh - I don't see how Froome 'got worse'. He started bad, and the worst stage he had was stage 9 in losing time to Yates. Other than that, he was always in the first or second group and within a short time from the leaders/winner.

    I don't see how anyone would be surprised that even an 80% form Froome would be able to ride those guys off his wheel - particularly since in this case 'those guys' are Pinot, Doumoulin and Carapaz.

  5. Wow. It's really unfortunate this comes in the middle of his salbutemol controversy, because frankly this is an amazing day in cycling. The bad is that, as mentioned, we've seen some historic days like this before. I am no fan of Froome or Sky, but I would argue this is nothing like the day Landis popped in a fresh bag of packed platelet/testosterone stew and stormed away. Other than Yates, who was already clearly fading at week 3, there has been no one who has been performing well. Dumoulin is doing a heck of a job to hang on to second, particularly given the much nastier climbs today (and tomorrow). 

    The Giro is like this, though, with a totally different terrain and group of riders than we see in the Tour. This is not the first time - at all - that someone who looked like they were suffering in week 1 came back in week 3 to win it all. Frankly, it's what makes the Giro in many ways a far, far more exciting and interesting race compared to Le Tour. 

    It's just shame it was Froome. . . 

  6. On 5/19/2018 at 8:27 AM, elfenix said:

    i've flown on china airlines and malaysian airlines

    I flew Aeroflot in the 80s. Lived to tell the tale.


    Aeroflot in 1991. Half the seatbelts were missing. Military pilots flew that plane like it was a Mig.

    Posted before I saw yours. Yeah, and those planes were like some Bizarro-world version of a 737. Kind of the way they copied the look of the Space Shuttle, but when you go up close you realize it's all barely held together. 

  7. 3 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    it aint fresh unless if fights back.


    Sitting on the floor in Kyoto
    Marvel at the latest catch
    Eat it as soon as you are able
    Quick before they cook it
    There's an eyeball staring at me
    And I know I've met my match
    Do I eat or am I eaten


    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Capn81 said:


    When did the uptick really start? I would say that Columbine was the first OMG moment, but I would argue that Social Media was in full effect when the real swing started.

    It's a great question. The hell of it that Congress has effectively limited the ability to research these questions by the CDC. Declare this a public health crisis, get the research started and see how we might impact this beyond just gun control (insights into teen social media, access to mental health and counseling, etc.). 

    • Like 3
  9. 2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Solo would have to flop big time and Avengers would have to top TFA. 

    No doubt. Seems like the early word is that it's a safe and vanilla movie, but that won't constitute a flop. 

  10. 7 hours ago, aggie08 said:

    Also, we don't get as many 40 point masterpieces from KD anymore because he doesn't have to. We don't get Steph light shows seemingly every night anymore because he doesn't have to. They've been as efficient as ever, but probably not as fun.

    For me, the GSW playbook got even more interesting because of this, as the ball is passed around even more than it was before. It's even more of a team play than ever. 

    Don't get the KD hate at all. It doesn't seem surprising to me that a supremely talented guy has a chip on his shoulder or is rabid in protecting his image off court. On the court, he seems pretty business like to me. 

    • Like 1
  11. On 4/12/2018 at 12:00 PM, TexasBeta said:


    Loudest game I’ve been to at Memorial. I thought Hadnot would be the next great back at Texas.



    Seriously - one of the most electric atmospheres ever at Memorial in my time there. They were so hyped at that point, and we just crushed them. 

  12. On 5/5/2018 at 11:29 AM, Smax said:

    Nothing wrong with that I love Napa cabs too, just don't limit yourself as there is a ton of good to great wine out there. Another varietal I was not that familiar with but have been loving it is grenache

    Personally, I think Grenache is a perfect wine - at least for the type of food I often cook, and what I'm in the mood for from a bottle. Really like Quivera for example. 

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, mdmost said:

    Kathleen Kennedy said at Cannes yesterday that Lando is a spinoff she'd like to do down the road. 

    There's rumors that Obi Wan is already in pre-production. Sign me up for more Donald Glover!

    A Lando spinoff with Donald Glover would be great, but I'd like KK to not have a controlling interest for once. Can we give Lord/Miller another change to make something with a little edge and creativity?

  14. Yes, girls and boys belong in Scouts


    The civilizing lesson I learned at Camp Cherry Valley was that young men are better when there are young women around. The lesson I have learned since is that we shouldn’t allow girls in Scouting because of that, but because everyone deserves the experience of Scouting. At its core, Scouts is a machine for getting children in touch with the young adult inside them through exposure to nature, labor in service and the acquisition of practical skills. Every kid needs this.

    I'm not sure I know enough to agree with the first sentence yet (ask me in a year). But I wholeheartedly endorse the ending point.

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