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Posts posted by TexasBeta

  1. Grandfather was Marine in WWII - wounded on Iwo Jima.

    Dad was Citadel graduate - Armor officer. Two tours Vietnam. 9th Cav and then back after flight school in 17th Cav. Shot down and wounded during the Cambodia incursion. Bullet through bubble on Huey. Million dollar wound.

    Stationed at all the great Cav bases. Knox (Armor School) Sill / Rucker (flight) Bliss (3rd ACR) Amberg (2nd ACR)

    Uncle was Citadel grad. Cold warrior with the 2nd and 3rd ACR.

    Brother was armor with 1st Armor during desert storm.

    Me - missed the boat.

    Registered my son when he was born for Citadel class of 2028. We will see.

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, mdmost said:

    You look at Texas Tech over there and it's just all about the tradition of the whole town of Lubbock smelling like cow shit when the wind blows in the from the West.

    My favorite part of the Herman press discussion. Sometimes I miss Charlie.. if just for the pressers.

  3. Lol, I am with you. I have tried to tell myself that things are so much better, but I always end up back in the frame of mind that maybe it is just a first step of a long road back to relevance. I am too tired for the damn long road!

    I’m too old for the long road - but - I’ve seen a heisman winner and a national championship.

  4. Not trying to start anything, just a few questions. What in the press conference gives you hope? That they are hurting in there? Witty responses to dumb questions?

    If we are measuring success against the Strong era, we are in trouble. That path does not have to be too great to be better. I am in no way insinuating Herman needs to go, because I do not believe that to be true. However, I am also not sure that he is the answer.

    I have no facts other than I don’t see the team quitting. They just seem to fight every game (except Okie state and Maryland).... ok.... now I’m back in the dumps. I just never expected to win much this year much less beat OU. Maybe my expectations are too low after all the beatings. :)
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  5. Forgot the best one... at least for me. Talked to George Jones after a concert he had here at Riverbend Church. I don’t really remember what I said. I was dumbstruck.



    Ran into Ronny Milsap on campus as he was going to film Austin City Limits.



  6. As a toddler ran naked out of the bathroom into Bob Hope at Honolulu airport. Dad was flying in for R&R during first tour in Vietnam.

    Gave a ride to Matt “guitar” Murphy from old Austin airport to Antones on the drag. Had dinner with him before his set. He was really cool.

    Attempted to talk Kim Basinger to skip out on filming for the day and hang. She was in town filming Nadine and was just walking down the street in Hyde Park. She’s tiny. Hot.

    Talked to Earl while waiting in line early one morning for tickets to a game. He was an advisor in the athletic dept at that time.

    Rode an elevator with Owen Wilson at the Four Seasons.

    Meet Dennis Quad numerous times. He owned the property next to my FIL on Lake Austin. Was always over at their house.

    Meet Jimmy Vaughn. He’s a classic car guy and he liked my FIL’s 40 Ford Coupe (think American Graffiti) so he and my FIL would hang out and talk cars at the house.

    Literally ran into Bill Gates in Vegas at one of those big tech conventions. He and Balmer. They both looked like they Hadn’t bathed in weeks.

    Stood in line next to Tommy Shaw catching a flight to Hartford.

  7. 3 hours ago, Gut Wagon said:

    After 34 years here in the Atlanta area, I have yet to find what this Texan would call "good" brisket. Most folks here don't even know it's beef, much less how to cook it. Half of them think you're some rube who can't pronounce "biscuit." 

    That and there is no sausage - Was in Wilmington, NC and asked for a sausage and brisket plate.. no sausage wft.

  8. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Fuck moving to the Pac 12. We'd be on the shitty side of the conference with Colorado and Utah and the Arizona schools. Pass.

    This - I always thought we would align w/ the Big Ten - Right up the middle of country - Texas, Tech (I guess), Kansas, K State, Oklahoma, OK State, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Northwestern.. all the others. Fits academically, etc... 


    • Like 1
  9. Gen X. We were bitter growing up because of our narcissistic Baby Boomer parents and bitter as adults dealing with the narcissistic Millenials. Ironically, our parents were the first ones to broader prefer working to rearing us, and Millenials are the first to demand parenting in all aspects of life. We're just sort of squished in the middle of idiots who created idiots.

    Kidding (Gen X is cynical but Baby Boomers and Millenials seem to lack humor) ... sort of.


    It really is all the Baby Boomers' fault who instilled the feminine ethos across our culture that is fully manifest in the Millenials.


    This... Gen X. Raised on the belt and fear of disappointing my parents.


    You just generally see a group of men / boys who lack any internal fortitude and women / girls who demand inclusion but not to be held accountable.


    I try to talk to my boy and daughters from the perspective of life doesn’t owe you anything. Your mom and I invest in you to give you a foundation to go out into the world.


    I’ve never argued for my kids grades. They get the grades they get and it is 100% their doing. I help them learn how to study and what’s expected. I don’t talk to their coaches in sports other than hello. Their play on the field and at practice dictates playing time. Nothing else.


    Ah yeah... get off my lawn.

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