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Everything posted by udaydanceparty

  1. Then we are on the same page. As long as the SCOTUS judges aren't engaging in judicial activism, their political affiliation shouldn't matter. Kennedy is a good example of that.
  2. Then you'd get rid of a vast majority of all abortions. https://www.actionlife.org/index.php/life-issues/abortion/item/124-the-real-reason-women-choose-abortion
  3. I'd consider myself Pro-Life and I think there are conditions where terminating a pregnancy is ethical and morally acceptable. I guess I should also repeat myself by saying life doesn't begin at conception IMO.
  4. So you have a checklist that would include a heartbeat as a criteria for nixing the abortion. Anyone want to counter why that shouldn't be the case? All i'm doing is framing the discussion so it's more constructive. I don't think most people realize how much common ground rationale people have and the political BS causes us to talk past eachother.
  5. In principle we are in agreement though correct? The way i'd approach this issue is to set certain checkmarks for development and if you find them, an abortion should be illegal. That's no different than how it currently is btw..
  6. At some point between conception and it's 18th birthday it becomes a living human being with it's own rights. Killing a human being is against the law and it should be. The argument really needs to be defining the point at which it's no longer a clump of cells and becomes a human. Personally, I don't believe that point is at conception but I also don't think you suddenly become human upon passing through the birth canal. I think most people share that view but I could be wrong.
  7. The president's critics have already become the exact same thing they accused the president's supporters of being.
  8. It depends on who they are stacking them with. If they are stacking them with judicial activists, then no.. i'm not okay with that. I'd much rather have a court that is predictable and consistent. I don't want a judge that puts their 2 cents interpretation on every piece of legislation and tries to change it to suit what's best for their political side. I asked before if anyone had a reason why they didn't like any of the front runners. So far it's just cliche generalizations about the coming apocalypse.
  9. Maybe if you include all the illegals but they shouldn't be voting. Interestingly enough, Trump seems to be making decisions in a very pragmatic way and siding with populists on pretty much every issue. It's almost as if he isn't an ideologue and is listening to what a majority of people want.
  10. You can argue that it a restrains the will of the majority. Why do you hate minorities?
  11. Senate, House and Presidency are all leaning Red. That's the will of the people.
  12. What are the complaints about the current crop of potential replacements? Are they racist, sexists and/or homophobic Nazis? I am genuinely curious because so far all the complaints i've been reading are criticisms of a dark future that people are imagining is on the horizon.
  13. Considering the disproportionate number of blacks that are killed by abortions in this country every year, are we really sure Nazi Trump will appoint someone who would overturn Roe v Wade? Right now it's about 870 black babies per day, you'd think a racist like Trump would want to keep that Eugenics program going.
  14. Everyone needs to calm down about the impact on Roe. It's just a clump of words barely in it's 137th trimester.
  15. Yeah I can't support that attitude. If he's a good judge he should be voted in.
  16. Bookies currently have Brett Kavanaugh and Thomas Hardiman as the most likely replacements.
  17. It probably has something to do with that 3 month vacation the supreme court takes every year. https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/2018TermCourtCalendar.pdf https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/2017TermCourtCalendar.pdf
  18. I think you mean the 70s right? the violence of the 70s resulted in Reagan/Bush living in the white house for 12 years. People just need to show up at the ballot box and get involved in government if they don't like the direction the country is headed. This violence rhetoric is undermining the democratic candidates this fall.
  19. He is powerless to stop it at this point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qduJjDJnQfo
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