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Posts posted by TBGFL

  1. 2 hours ago, Caddox said:

    Man I'm glad I ghost wrote that article for Matt Hayes.

    The Aggy conspiracy theories surrounding that article are hilarious. Jesus, those people never cease to amaze.

    I still find it comical that they refuse to acknowledge that article is absolutely true. Everything Jimbo, a proven liar, says must be taken at face value.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, texifornia said:


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    Coburn didn't plant a fucking thing. This woman has absolutely no "ins" with the AD at FSU. Acting like she's "in the know" to Aggy is for her own personal need for attention but these people believe every word she says. My FIL knows Coburn pretty well and this is not a plant job. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, texifornia said:


    "He was treated badly at FSU. He was lied to by Admin and Boosters. Still drove on til he could no more. That is all I will say"

    Of course that's all you'll say Karen. You're a nutjob who doesn't know shit and has no in-roads to the booster group and athletic department at FSU. You're an old hag feeding bullshit to a cult to get attention. She keeps repeating the same bullshit lies Jimbo's camp fed to the media when he left FSU. They're completely false but Aggy will lap it up.

  4. 1 hour ago, golfclap said:

    Ditto. I have a really close friend who played baseball there and is a big booster and this is still candy-coated for sure. 

    I'm sure your buddy was "thrilled" about Martin Jr being named as baseball coach...

    My FIL played for FSU in the mid 60s. I met the wife in Tallahassee in 1997 when she was a senior and I was a 1L. Her dad gave me shit for being a UT grad but he gives everyone shit. He has a lot of friends in the athletic department and basically Jimbo was allowed to run that place roughshod. The old AD, Wilcox, was basically a wimp who wouldn't stand up to Jimbo. If he did, Jimbo would run around him to Thrasher.

    The number of tantrums that Jimbo Fisher threw over the smallest things are legendary in the Moore Center. Throwing shit at people and acting like a complete redneck when he didn't feel like he was in control. He bitched about getting an indoor practice facility and when it finally got put in motion, Jimbo couldn't be bothered to show up to the groundbreaking. A law school buddy also did undergrad at FSU and contributes quite a bit to the program. He won a hunting trip with Jimbo several years ago. Jimbo acted like it was a bother for him to be there. This was at the height of Hugh Freeze's run at Ole Miss and my buddy said Jimbo said some really nasty things about Freeze. Said his fake Christian act was "complete bullshit". 

    People like to point the finger at Candi for their divorce but when it became public in Tallahassee that she had been running around on him, the quiet comments on that were "Guess Candi was getting him back".

    Wouldn't surprise me if that unnamed assistant making comments in the article was Randy Sanders. He was going to leave after the 2017 season whether Jimbo stayed or not. He despised Jimbo. Jeremy Pruitt hated/hates Fisher's guts. FSU matched UGA's offer but Pruitt hated working for Jimbo that much. Jimbo went apeshit on Mark Stoops after a game in 2012 and Mark bolted the next season. Fisher has burned bridges with a shit load of assistants so it could be anyone who made those comments.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, TheFlagship said:


    Someone sent this article to me this morning. Of course, Aggy is out in droves defending Fisher, which anyone would expect. 

    "Academics under Fisher, one former FSU assistant coach says, were a direct result of a lack of discipline and direction on the team. Those issues soiled the locker room and fed entitlement—and it played out on the field."

    My wife's family are heavy contributers and boosters at FSU. This article is tame from the shit I've heard. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    I went to Longview High School.  From those in Longview, King's dad, who is the head coach at LHS, has more than once, let it be known, that he is NOT a fan of Jimbo or aggy.  Doesn't mean that aggy doesnt eventually win this kid, but I just don't see it happening. So really, who knows?

    Jimbo doesn't have a whole lot of fans in coaching circles. Being an abrasive and megalomaniacal dick will do that.

    He had a hard time pulling recruits in Tampa while he was at FSU. He managed to piss off a lot of coaches in that part of the state.

  7. 3 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    He flipped Jashaun Corbin from Florida State

    Uh, Corbin decommitted from FSU right after Bilbo was told to get the fuck out of Tallahassee. That was December 3rd. He didn't commit to Aggy until NSD II in February.

    That's not a "flip" but I realize Looch has to take liberties with the facts to placate the froth mouthed Aggy faithful.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Fud said:

    The "2021 class doesn't have been receivers" talking point for trying to explain away taking four outside guys in the 2020 class is amusing. 

    Nine receivers over two classes for Jimbo's "pro style offense". 

    Especially for a coach that doesn't have a stellar track record of developing receivers

  9. On 6/2/2019 at 10:38 AM, Smax said:

    Tex-Mex and Brisket, damn near impossible find a decent version of either outside of Texas

    I can agree with this. I left Texas in 1995 and moved to Florida. Haven't found anything out here. In 24 years, I have yet to find anything on the East Coast that can match brisket and Tex-Mex from Texas.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bigpoppapump said:

    They have solid CS and engineering programs.

    He's a CS and Economics double major. From what my sister told me, both of those programs are extremely good at UTD. He got scholarships so she and my brother in law aren't complaining.

  11. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Probably the most telling is the average SAT/ACT of admitted students.

    If you're going by that metric, UTD is higher than A&M. My sister's kid goes to UTD and loves it apparently. I don't think he's experienced vagina yet but he loves computers.

  12. 19 minutes ago, golfclap said:



    Can't believe he didn't lob another bullshit jab about facilities or shit on the donors again. 

    Just wait, there will be some counter stories out there planted by him and his people to try to refute the situation he left at FSU. Of course, the shit you read about it on Aggy sites comes straight from Jimbo himself so it lacks truth. Aggy sites usually lack that anyway so nothing new there.

    In private, I'm sure he's fuming about being asked this line of questioning. He used to call Tallahassee Democrat reporters and scream at them if they portrayed him, as he saw it, in an unfavorable way. Did the same with some of the writers from FSU sites.

  13. DESTIN — As Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher spoke about his team Wednesday during the SEC’s spring meetings, the wreckage he left behind in his previous job was still smoldering 140 miles east.

    The 7-6 flop in Fisher’s final season at Florida State in 2017 turned into a 5-7 failure in Willie Taggart’s first season in 2018. One subpar recruiting class led to another. The Seminoles’ short-term future is more likely to resemble its immediate past than the national-champion highs Fisher led them to five years ago.

    Fisher doesn’t see it that way.

    “I think (Florida State is) in great shape,” Fisher said.

    Except there’s little great about the shape Florida State is in. Attendance is down. Its academic progress rate is the worst among the teams in the Power Five conferences: ACC, SEC, Big 10, Big 12 and Pac-12. Its budget faces a multimillion-dollar deficit. Its record over the past two years, 12-13, is its worst since 1975-76, and even a soft schedule might yield only seven or eight wins next season.

    So, no, Florida State isn’t in great shape. The only question is how much blame Fisher deserves for the decline.

    The answer: a lot.

    Fisher will disagree because of the talent Taggart inherited. Fisher’s last four recruiting classes in his 2010-17 tenure were ranked in the top six nationally. He lured one of the most talented running backs in the nation, Cam Akers, and landed Marvin Wilson, who has the potential to become one of the ACC’s top defensive linemen next season.

    “They had draft picks, first-round picks,” Fisher said. “They’ve got good players this year. I see they’re picked to go to another good bowl game.”

    The Seminoles didn’t make a bowl game at all last season, ending an NCAA record run of 36 in a row, and they didn’t make it to a good bowl in Fisher’s final year, either. Beating Southern Miss in the Independence Bowl doesn’t count.

    It’s clear in hindsight that Florida State having to rally to make that Independence Bowl — it had to win its last three games to be bowl eligible at 6-6 — wasn’t a fluke caused by quarterback Deondre Francois’ season-ending injury in a Week 1 loss to Alabama, the snowball effect of that loss or the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, which cost the Seminoles their bye week and a game that wasn’t rescheduled.

    Fisher’s Seminoles were rotting.

    The offensive line lagged at the end of the Fisher era as recruiting misses, misevaluations and injuries piled up. Running back Dalvin Cook was able to cover up some of the glaring holes, but the mediocrity was still there. It finally, disastrously, caught up to Florida State last season, when Taggart’s Seminoles had one of the worst offensive lines in the sport.

    Florida State’s effort lagged so much in a 2016 home loss to North Carolina that the Seminoles had to sign promises vowing their full effort, preparation and trust. Is it any wonder that Taggart said Florida State didn’t handle adversity well last year?

    The intangible troubles mushroomed under Taggart, leading to six losses by at least 19 points. But that wasn’t new, either. Florida State got blown out at least once (often by less talented teams) in each of Fisher’s final four seasons, including a 32-point rout at Boston College in 2017.

    None of this absolves Taggart of his responsibility for Florida State’s struggles last year. Florida coach Dan Mullen took over an unstable situation in Gainesville last year and turned it into a trip to the Peach Bowl.

    But it does explain the hole Taggart is trying to escape, even if Fisher doesn’t see it that way.

    “I loved my time at Florida State,” said Fisher, who was an assistant for three years before taking over for Bobby Bowden. “It was an outstanding place.”

    Now Fisher is focused on his new place, the one that’s paying him $75 million over 10 years. Even if a brutal schedule (games against Clemson, Alabama, Georgia and LSU) keeps his Aggies out of the College Football Playoff mix next season, Texas A&M has top-15 potential.

    “I think it’s going to lay the groundwork where we can go in the future,” Fisher said, “which I think is sky high.”

    His old program still has sky-high potential, too. But for now, the program he left behind remains stuck near rock bottom.


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  14. 10 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    that team was so problematically bereft of talent that it lost to Louisville by 43, and yet was good enough to win 10 games

    almost like the Louisville result was caused by half-ass coaching and a team of talented quitters, not the facilities 

    Jimbo had the team sign promise letters after that game. Promise letters that said they wouldn't quit and give maximum effort. When you get to that point, that's a fucking coaching issue, not a facilities issue. Jimbo, as is his nature to do, used that as an excuse.

    They did win 10 games that year but had a few squeakers against a schedule that wasn't all that tough. They lost to Louisville, Clemson and North Carolina. They squeaked past Miami, NC State and Michigan. Willie Taggart's USF team put up more points on Jimbo that year than Michigan, Florida and Miami.

  15. 1 hour ago, Lobwedgephil said:


    I read an article from the sun sentinel where the writer said that part of the reason fsu was bad last season was due to the lack of talent on the roster he inherited. Specifically, fsu had only Brian burns go in the 1st round and another player go in the 6th rd of the 2019 draft. What are your thoughts on what jimbo fisher left at fsu and how much credence do you give to the argument that fisher left Willie tagger a mess at fsu?

    I think Taggart is a solid coach who is going to have a hard time succeeding at Florida State. Not sure how many guys Willie T ran off or how many left on their own accord but if Nole recruiting fell off under Jimbo it probably had to do with the fact that their facilities are horrifically bad (even Taggart himself leaned on that when it was convenient this season) and the infrastructure, support and administration there are a mess. Jimbo left a bad situation (which is why Woodward always knew he could hire him given A&M's financial resources and commitment to winning) and Taggart walked into one. It was a worse situation than even a national championship coach could overcome. Simple as that. And that team was pitiful last year. Way worse than their talent level.

    This is a complete crock of shit. I've been in FSU's facilities several times and they have better facilities than Florida or Miami. They're consistently rated in the Top 15 for facilities and for good reason. Taggart didn't "lean on that" at all. Taggart's issue with the facilities is the lack of a football-only facility and he's mentioned it several times. He's also shown patience in that regard due to the lack of available real estate in Tallahassee, something Jimbo wasn't willing and able to do. Looch is repeating the false narrative that Jimbo has sold Aggy on. 

    Jimbo did leave a bad situation in Tallahassee. He was 80% of the cause of that bad situation too. Again, Looch is twisting the narrative. He is also conveniently leaving out Jimbo's blaming of facilities when FSU got their shit pushed in by Louisville in 2016. That game was 63-20. No one in their right mind would blame an ass whipping like that on facilities, except of course Jimbo. Their admin does need restructuring, specifically the boosters. The infrastructure and support are there. Jimbo got everything he ever asked for with the exception of the FOF, which wasn't going to be an overnight solution. 

    The culture of that program was rotted and infested with entitlement. That was on Jimbo. There were many position groups (OL, WR and LB) that were woefully thin and that had poor recruiting results for years so being "way worse than their talent level" is somewhat subjective. Some positions are loaded with talent while others were extremely fucking thin. Taggart had to hit the reset button on that and part with some players who held on to that entitlement mindset from Jimbo's tenure.. 

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  16. 7 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Jimbo will break the North Shore hex because he recruited it well at LSU, plus a great "Jimbo hand picked his coaches" comment that could be from an aggy text generator


    Candidates begging for the job.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Yeah, I'm sure people were lining up right and left to work for a guy that is considered a complete prick in coaching circles. Saban is a prick too but he gets results. Fisher's only results are leaving behind a train wreck at FSU.

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